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what to do?

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Well as you know Baby is my new addition. I know he enjoys being out of his cage but he has gotton into the habit of getting down and walking around till he finds me. I think it is cute. It's just that I have almost stepped on him three times. Any suggestions?

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If you know he is going to come and find you anyway just take him with you, have some stands or perches in different places throughout the house so he can accompany you since he wants to be where you are.


That is so endearing that he comes to find you but I would be afraid that one day you will step on him or maybe stumble over him and hurt yourself. I assume he does not have his flight feathers or is clipped or he would fly to you. If he does have his flight feathers why don't you try encouraging him to follow by flying to you instead of walking on the floor.

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Judy gave great advice.


Either take him with you or put him back in the cage if you do not want to worry about him following you.


Do be very careful though. You could just walk a few feet away from where he is to answer the phone for example, turn around and either kick him or step on him. They like to walk right up to your foot it seems and stand there to look up.

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When I got my grey, the breeder had already clipped her wings (for her protection:angry:) I will let Ana Grey grow them out:) In the meantime, she follows me around by walking after me. She comes straight to me, she has a great seem of always knowing there I am. I am lucky that I have all hardwood floors so I can hear her clicking after me. She also heads for my feet to climb up my pants leg. She loves to sit on my feet before she climbs up. I do fear stepping on her:( If I am in a hurry or know I will be distracted and might not watch for her, I put her in her cage before I leave the room. I keep her travel cage in the living room so I can quickly slip her in if I need to. If I could figure out a way to bell her, I would:laugh: It would make life so much simpler!!!:P;)<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/03/04 19:03

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One of my parrots, (the amazon) is a floor walker or that's what I call it. I thought it was cute too in the beginning but it really scares me now and I would not encourage it. The others are right, it would be so easy to kick or step on him. When ever mine does it I immediately put him back on his cage and tell him not to do it anymore. I give him 3 chances and on the third I put him inside his cage and close the door:( I hate doing that but I think he is learning from this. When it first started happening I wasn't so persistant and he thought it was ok to climb down and walk but since I have been totally consistant now, I can see he is "getting it". I also went out and bought a big play stand that he can't climb down from. When ever I will be in another room or I can't see him I put him on that and he hasn't gotten down yet.


Mine also likes to chew on cords and wires and I am terrified that in a split second he could get to the wall cord and electricute himself. :ohmy: I do not allow floor walking...too many hazards. Good luck with it.

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Thank you all so much. I do try to take him with me but i am in the process of remodeling and always running from room to room. I hate to but for now he will have to stay in his cage until I have my down time the mornings and evenings:(

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