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I'm having a problem with Spencer. He won't stay with me :( I understand him wanting to be on his cage, it's his safe spot. But yet, he will fly to Dotty in the living room. He has never flown to be in there. Whenever he flies to Dotty, she immediately has me come and get him. If we are in the living room, he'll fly right back to his cage. We have a routine where at 8:00 or 8:30 PM we take him to the bedroom and he sits on the headrest of my wheelchair. This is wonderful, as he is with me. He has stayed there 1.5 hours before. Lately, he has been flying to Dotty :( Tonight, I had Dotty bring him in the bedroom (he'll fly to his cage if I take him), give him to me, then leave us in there with the door cracked (it won't close because of our cable). He stayed on my headrest for about 10 minutes. then flew to the door. I stayed in there for 20 minutes hoping he'd fly back to me, but he didn't :( I just came out, and Dotty got him down and put him to bed.


When he's on his cage, I hold food for him and talk to him a lot.


Dotty thinks this behavior comes from the fact that he was handled by mostly women at The Bird Shoppe, where we got him.


Can I win him over, or does Dotty have a new bird? Before I got him, someone on here told me that Greys can be one person birds, but that's not to say others can't handle them.






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Ralph, greys do tend to become one person birds meaning that one person is their favorite but that doesn't mean that you will be excluded, you will just have a different one and who knows in time it may change.


Just keep doing what you are doing and you be the one to always give the treats so he associates those with you.


My grey Josey has always been my bird and only I could handle her but she is gradually becoming more receptive of my hubby which tickles him to death.


Spencer may have a preference for women as some greys do tend to favor one sex over another but hang in there Ralph for these things take time so have lots of patience and good things will come.

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Judy is right. They tend to be mainly one person birds or atleast favor one person. At first Baxter liked both me and my husband but about 3 or 4 months after getting him, he decided he did not want my husband to pick him up anymore. It was nothing that my husband did. He is very good with him but he just prefers me. My husband does still have a very good relationship with him. He gives him treats and Baxter allows him to pet him and even likes it. He just doesn't want him to pick him up. As Judy said, just keep doing what you are doing and don't be too hard on yourself if he has chosen Dotty as his favorite person. You can still have a great relationship with him.


It's funny because we have 4 parrots. 2 of them definately choose my husband as their favorites and 2 of them choose me as their favorites but we have very good relationships with all of them, even the ones that haven't "chosen" us.

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I'm sorry Ralph that Spencer is being so stubborn. Just relax and offer him treats and be patient with him. Talk to him and always be there for him. Be patient and don't be stressed in front of him for greys are so in tune to our feelings. He will see your good heart and come around.

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In our house Tyco has definatly chosen me as her favorite. My 21 year old daughter is also very loved by Tyco when she walks in Tyco gets so excited and just begs for attention from her. she loves to her as a play mate. My daughter has taught her many different games so now even tough I am Tycos favorite person and she allow pets and will step up on only me she also loves my daughter and has a different kind of relationship with her. Don't give up yet greys can love more than just one person

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Don't give up Ralph. Spencer is probbly just shy around u, but he will get over that soon. just keep working with him. don't give up. ;)

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Thanks for the info and advice! We took him into the bedroom last night. At first, he wouldn't stay with me, kept flying on to Dotty (she was lying on the bed). After a while, I asked Dotty to sit up, and he flew to me! He stayed on my headrest for 1.5 hours, then I took him to his sleep carrier, and he went to bed :laugh:


Maybe there's hope yet!!!



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I'm sure there is room for you in Spencers heart. They are flock animals and that means there are usually more than 2 in a flock. Like I said before I'm Tyco's favorite but he totaly loves my daughter also and I'm sure in time both you and Dotty will be able to have a wonderful relationship with Spencer.

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