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Hello everyone. I'm Joe and I am new to the parrot world. Some of you may cringe at the situation here, but never the less, I am the proud new parent of a Grey named Joey. And here is our story:


About a week ago I received a phone call from my mother. She said her friend Georgia had just bought a local business and was looking for a home for Joey, as she would no longer have the time to care for him. Now, I had met Joey before. And to be completely honest, I didn't care too much for him. As bad as I feel about it now, my first impression of him was that he was an ugly bird. You see, he is a plucker. I'll get more into that later. My first response was that I don't know if I would be willing to take on a commitment like that. But in my mind I was thinking "Why would I want an ugly bird". And I also thought of what my friends would think and say. But after a day of thinking about the situation, I started doing a lot of research on Grey's and on parrots in general.


So I began learning about Grey's and their behaviors. Now, I'm not claiming to have any extensive knowledge about the behavioral psychology of birds, however I did learn a great deal. And as I learned more about Joey's history, I began to feel for him and started to romance the idea of having him around. And why not? After all, come to find out, we have a lot in common (Besides our names). LOL.


After considering taking on a new relationship, I called my mothers friend Georgia to get a little history on Joey, as I new that she hadn't had him that long. Now, Georgia has been in the exotic animal business for quite some time, though she specializes in monkeys, she has had quite a few different animals. Come to find out, Joey's original owner had him for most of his life. And the best anyone can figure, he is about 16. A little more than a year ago, his original owner got into trouble with drugs, meth in particular, and had been arrested. At which time the neighbor had feed him, but he was pretty much alone for about two months. After it was evident that his owner was not going to return any time soon, they began looking for a new home for him. And that's how he ended up with Georgia. To the best of everyone's knowledge, Joey started plucking around the time his owner went to jail. Understandably so. And there's no telling how much abuse or neglect he suffered before the abandonment. He is also a biter.


Georgia loved and cared for him the best she could but has always had a house full of different pets and lots of business trips and chores. And now that she has bought a local business, she knows that she will not have the time.


As I mentioned earlier, Joey and I have a lot in common. You see, I myself, have had a very unfavorable past. I have not always been the person I am today. Four years ago there was no way I would have agreed to be responsible for another living thing, as I was barely responsible for myself. I too have had a rough history with drug abuse. I am now 4 years clean and a very different person. So when I mentioned earlier that I had a soft spot for him, it was because of this. I, myself, at one time, needed help and love and a chance to heal and grow. I truly believe that If someone like me can change, then anyone, or anything, can also.


So here we are. I went and picked Joey up 3 days ago. We are just starting to get to know each other. I know that this is a very scary and stressful time for him and I am going to need all the help I can get. I have read many of the forums and I am learning more and more every day. and just to give you a feel for where we are at, Joey has already allowed me to start petting him on the head. Sometimes just briefly, but sometimes he acts like he don't want me to stop. He will turn to nip at me when he has had enough, but he has not tried to hurt me. I began letting him out of his cage the other day. He plays around on top of it and looks like he enjoys it very much. Getting him back in the cage is a chore sometimes, as he doesn't allow me to handle him. As a matter of fact, he kinda held me hostage yesterday. I had some running I had to do and he wouldn't go back in his cage. I learned that if I am going to let him out, that I better not need to go anywhere for a little while. LOL. But I have quickly grown very fond of Joey and love him very much. As a matter of fact, I told my friends the other night, that when they meet Joey they better watch their tounge. And if they say anything other than "Pretty Bird" to him, that they will have to deal with me.


Anyway, that's our story and here we are. Sorry to anyone that might be cringing right now. I do understand what kind of commitment I am making. I am not looking for anyone's criticism here. But if you feel need, I won't take it personally. I would appreciate any advice or friendships that I can make through this. I look forward to hearing from you all, and I hope you won't mind the constant nagging and stupid questions that I am going to have.


Much love to all out there.

Joe free

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Hello JoeFree and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Joey.


That is some story you have there and I thank you for giving us so much information to get to know you better and I am proud of you for overcoming your addiction and being clean now for 4 years. You did not have to tell us this as most people would have kept such facts to themselves but this speaks volumes for your character.


I know you will give Joey a good home and make sure he gets what he needs and he needs love and attention and given time I am sure he will flourish under your care.


Due to his age and being in several homes it will take much time and lots of patience to get Joey to become the pet he should be, it takes time to build trust with a grey and he has to trust you before he can bond with you but when he does you will have a true friend.


Please read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you have any pictures of Joey you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Welcome to the family! We are very glad to have you. This forum has lots of great 411.



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Thank you very much for your quick reply. I feel very welcome and accepted here. I do have some pics of Joey and will try and post them soon. Since you guys are the ones I'll leaning on, I'll need you to know what we're working with. But right now it's getting late and I'm afraid both Joey and I must be getting to bed. Again, thank you for your kindness.

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Hello JoeFree and Joey and welcome to the forum. What a compassionate and heartfelt introduction. I am so glad you decided to take Joey into your life and I'm sure the both of you will be better for it. Greys are more than just pets, they are wonderful companions as well.


My grey was 12 years old when I got him and although I don't think he was abused he was neglected. He was only on a seed diet, never handled and never let out of his cage. That all changed when he came to live with me and he has overcome many things as I'm sure Joey will too. It is great that he is already allowing you to pet his head even if it is a little at a time. That is all I could touch of my Baxter in the beginning. Just the top of his head, then a little more down to the back of the neck, then all sudden he didn't jump or try to nip and I could pet him all the way down his back. Now I can touch him all over:) . He doesn't always like it but he will allow it:lol:

It sounds like Joey is already getting pretty comfortable with you so you must be doing something right. I would continue to take it slow and allow him to go at his pace. You will know when you are pushing him and when he wants more. I made a lot of mistakes with Baxter at first but we all got through it. One thing that I can pass on to you because of my mistakes is don't push too much (which is what I did) when I pushed I got bit, when I went at Baxters pace, I didn't get bit. I finally learned to go at his pace and we have been happy ever since. Only other thing I have to add is to get him on a good diet if he isn't already. There is tons of great information on the forum and I know it has been a huge help to me and Baxter.


You can ask all the question you want here. Thats what this forum is here for and there are no silly questions except the ones that aren't asked. There is usually someone always on to help or give advice or to just share and brag about our greys. It's a great community to belong to. I asked a ton of questions and like a doting parent, every accomplishment we made I had to tell everyone about it. We love hearing these stories and hope you will let us know how things go. I am very happy for you both. Karma for you for taking in an older bird. We don't care if they have plucked or not and would love to see his picture when you get the chance. There are several others on here that have taken in pluckers and have got them through it with their love and patience and I'm sure you can do it to. Keep us posted. :)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/03/04 05:08

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Hi Joe, Joey is a very lucky grey to have found such a caring and honest individual to finally give him a forever home. I have a 7-month old grey so I have no experience with older greys. I only wanted to welcome you to the family. I respect your honesty and I know you and Joey will eventually bond and he will be a great companion. Karma to you for taking in an older grey. Can't wait to see some pictures and hear more about Joey.

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Wow! Thank you BaxtersMom for the welcome and the encouragement. I'm glad you mentioned diet because I have a ton of questions. As you read in my story, Georgia took fairly good care of him, but all she handed over for food was a seed based feed, and she said he loves peanuts. But some of the research I've done suggests that seed diets are potentially harmful in the long run and that don't provide enough nutrition. I've read on hear where people are feeding their Greys just about everything they eat. I'm a little too scared to jump into that, but I did go and buy some dried fruit pieces at PetCo. He likes some of it, but is still partial to his shelled nuts. I read about some kind of organic pellet diet that is said to be the best diet a bird could have. So I ordered some. Seems a bit bland, but I was sold. Anyway, thanks again for the warm welcome, and I will certainly be asking all types of random questions.

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You are quite welcome. I know when I brought Baxter home I was overwhelmed and full of questions. He was my first large bird and he came with only a seed diet as well and I read so much and learned alot but got more confused as well. You should take a look in the "Bird Food" room. There is a lot of helpful information there and questions as well. I actually have 4 parrots now and Baxter is my only grey but they all love their peanuts. I buy human grade for them now as I found out there is a lot of controversy over peanuts and they can make them ill as well and that's why I buy plain unsalted peanuts from the grocery store. I would suggest reading through some of the topics in the bird food room and ask as many questions as you like. I think you and Joey are going to do just fine:)

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{Nature-000200A9}hey there well done for taking in that grey and 1 day he will love you just as much as you will love him i have a baby and never had an older bird so its all new to me but maybe we can learn tips and tricks from each other as they all need our care love and time

also well done for kicking the drugs i can tell by your story that your a total different person for doing so you must feel 1000 times better and your family must be so impressed by you. your story is quite touching mate so keep up the good work and stay in touch fisher.

bare this in mind pal

it takes a boy to take drugs but it take a man to beat the habbit so good look and keep up the hard work its well worth it (respect to you){Nature-00020095}

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Congratulations Joe, both on your 4 years of freedom from drugs and the other Joe coming into your life!!


It is a huge challenge to overcome addiction and that says tons about you and commitment. :-)


That same commitment coupled with the love you have found in your heart to take Joe in and give him all that he needs in attention, companionship and love will bring him back around to the all the "Grey" that he is.


You have already made a ton of progress with him and are asking all the right questions.


Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing those photos. :-)

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Welcome to the forum Joe.


What an honest introduction from yourself.

Karma to you for opening up about your past and well done for being clean for so long.


Its such a wonderful thing you have done to give Joey a second chance in life. Trust and patience is the key and I can see you two building up such a close bond together.


Other people on here have taken in older greys and have such a fantastic relationship with them, I think its brilliant what can be achieved if people are prepared to give some time, love and commitment.


I hope Joey has found his forever home with you and cant wait to get to know you both better.


Any questions just get posting.


Hope you enjoy it here, its great you have found us:)

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Hi Joe, welcome here. Your story was quite touching to me and I'm really happy that you decided to give Joey a chance at a better life. I think you'll find that Joey is a beautiful bird even if he plucks- beauty is much more than outward appearances.

As far as changing his diet goes, take it slow. Greys are cautious about changes of any kind and he may take awhile before he even tries new foods. Just keep at it and keep offering healthy things and eventually his curiosity should bring him to try it. Keep us updated on your progress, you are part of our family now.

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