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new to the bird biz

Guest jamalbirdbiz

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{Nature-000200A9}hi be a bit more pacific

do you mean your a breeder?

are you selling older greys?

or problem birds?

have you sold before?

is this some thing your doing just to make money? or is it that your doing it for the fact you love CAG's?

please explain also let people know abit about you like where your from how long you have been doing the bird thing lol im not bein harsh but the question you asked brings back more of a question to yourself hope this helps as id like to know more thanks Fisher{Nature-00020095}

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

Yo Fish - Let me introduce myself....Im Jamal. thankz for the questionz. Birdz seem to be in demand, so I want to get into the biz myself. I am just searching for the best wayz to go about it. Ive alwayz lived around lots of birdz 0-- two many to get into right now -- lol -- Greyz are the top of the line bird, so thatz the reason i plan on breeding them. - i love 'em. in fact, i can't seem to get enough of them. lol


I know that they sell for a lot of money, so i am sure i really cant go wrong. i will only sell babies. i want to hand them over to their owners when they are really young so i can always keep a rolling inventory.


i am not a breeder yet, but i on the verge of breaking into the biz just feeling out the waters first.


Any and all pointers are cool with me. thankz guys.

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This is a website devoted to the love of the african grey, we do not sell birds here but we do share information with each other about our birds and ask questions if we have any.


There is a lot to knowing how to breed birds especially greys, I think you should research elsewhere for advice about how to get into the business if that is what you want to do.

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Guest jamalbirdbiz

I love my greyz that is why i want to breed them... to spread the love with others and make money at the same time -- what could be better? Molly and Marvin are my greyz. They are currenly separated most of the time, but soon I will embark on the great voyage of breeding. They have lotz of breeder pairs for sale which I am looking into.


Greyz are the bestest birdz!


Suggestions welcome.

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Are your two birds already breeders?


You say you have two greys but then you say you havnt started breeding yet.Do you have experience with breeding greys?


You say you want to hand over the greys when they are really young to keep a "rolling inventory" what age would this be?


I look forward to your reply;)

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Sorry to be so blunt but it really sounds like you want to just make money off of selling them and think that it is easy and a quick way to make a buck. It makes me feel a bit sick when you say you want to hand them over young so you can keep a rolling inventory, like they are goods in a shop.


I really hope this is not the case, because these wonderful birds deserve more respect than that.

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Hi Jamal,


It's good you are researching this before you leap into it. I think if you are looking to make lots of money fast you should reconsider and look at a different way...breeding birds is expensive, time-consuming, and not a get rich quick scheme. You must have a happy healthy pair in the right conditions just to get them to breed. Consider the money you will need to invest to get started, the cost of the birds, adequate cage and nest box, ongoing costs of healthy fresh foods, vet visits, toys and stuff for them to shred. You must be able to care for the babies properly, provide a good stimulating environment with lots of love and careful nurturing. You will need to learn how to hand feed, how to wean, how to socialize the babies. If you were just doing it for the love of the birds it can be a rewarding experience, not necessarily money-wise but to see your babies go out into the world to make other families complete- to spread the joy and love of the grey. My advice is to do lots and lots of research before you begin- talk to some other breeders for helpful advice, and think twice if you are just in it for the money. And by the way, welcome to the forum! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

It lookz like Im not gonna go thru with the bird biz deal cuz of all the stuff I found out bout it - 2 many birdz all ready that ca'nt find homez -


resQing is more my thing any way.



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