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Lost African Grey


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My Congo African Grey parrot flew away just after dark on Jan 21, 2009 in the Pleasant Farm area of Beaufort, S. C. and hasn't been seen since. Her name is Harley. I've done everything except keep looking for her which I do every day.

It all started when UPS delivered a package just after dark and I was playing with Harley. I put her on my shoulder and stepped out side the front door to get the package. It' dark so there's no way she will fly away. Boy was I wrong. The storm door got about 6 inches from being close when it slammed the rest of the way shut. It scared Harley and she took off. I went out and looked, called and whistled for her but I had no luck. The next day I put up flyers, went door to door, checked with the animal shelter, the 3 vets offices and the one pet shop in town. We were able to get a reporter to do a front page article in the local newspaper about her missing. There was a big picture of her on the front page and almost a half page article. I have her cage outside with her toys and treats in it. Both doors are open in case she needs to escape from something.I let some friends know she was gone and they suggested I try an Animal Communicator to see if she could be located and if she was still alive. I had never heard of AC's so they explained they are able to talk to animals. I have been using the communicators every since. Most of them are in training to learn AC and they all tell me she is still alive and tell me what she is seeing but so far I still haven't been able to find her. I use three professionals and the one I had the best luck with was Karen Anderson in case anyone ever needs to use one.

My contact information is:

Gary Barnes



Thank you.

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Hi Skydiver, so sorry about Harley's fright and her flight. Don't give up--keep looking. I assume you also put up posters in the area. I would also walk the neighborhood and if she has a favorite call or word or phrase repeat it over and over just in case she is near. She might call back. I am so sorry and pray your Harley finds her way home.

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I'm so sorry for your baby flying away You are in my prayers. Don't give up on him I'm sure he's out there trying hard to find his way back to you. if you have any vidios of him talking you may try turning them up loud around his cage he may hear them if he;s still in the area and respond.

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