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He is gone:(


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Hello everyone!

Its been too long and seems like everytime i get a chance to talk to u guys i have bad news ... :dry: :(

I am back in south Africa and was busy trying to buy

cheat or steal my Liefie into the country when i got this bad news he is gone:( :( :(

apparently he "flew away" while out of his cage and "the painters"was there ,

but i know that can not be true cause his wings was cut

so i believe they took him.(because no-one saw him since they were there)

My haert is broken i wanted him to meet baby so bad.


guess the only good part of this story is that i am

re-united with baby.


so i lost one again this time for keeps:( :(


Other than that im doing well .


Kind regards



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So sorry Yvette about the loss of Liefie. Can you track down the painters and see if one of them has Liefie? As you have said, you do have Baby back and that must give you a lot of joy. Perhaps you could post a picture of Baby for us to see. I hope you're well and hope to hear from you more often.

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