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Which Fruits to give my Grey


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Ozzie was abundance weaned and will try just about anything. I gave him a variety of foods during the weaning process. He always asks for grapes and papaya each morning for breakfast. This time of year he loves watermelon and cantalope. Roudybush pellets are always available and he gets a small amount of sunflower and pumpkin seeds each day. Steamed veggies are a dinner staple. He gets a seed/pellet/nut/pepper mix like Fiesta once per week. Most of the pellet companies will send you free samples to try if you ask.

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Okay ppl i have another question I have 3 bowls in my cage one is with water the other is with bird food which i got from the pet shop its a mix of seeds etc. and the third bowl is a mix of apples oranges and pears and strawberries and bananas cut up in small chucks. Now my grey wont touch the fruits he will only eat the seeds. Should i only place the one bowl of food in the cage to teach him to eat those fruits. Also do i have to peal the skin off the apples and oranges

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If your grey is not yet familiar with fresh foods this can take some time. Show him/her its fun and good. Eat some yourself (they usually want what you have). Personally I would not take away the food they eat since you do not want them to lose weight. Give it some time, dont give up. Keep offering a variety of fresh stuff every day and lead by example. I dont take the skin of fruits/veggies but of course be sure they are washed! ;) I have heard of some birds refusing fresh foods for over a year, but once they finally try some and develop a liking for certain things they will be happier/healthier. One thing to always remember is that you really need patience. They live so long that often change just does not happen overnite! :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/06/14 04:18

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I have plenty of patience i wont give up on my grey i always try to hand feed him fruits but he turns his head away now if i offer him a seed or a peanut he will take it :laugh:. I was just gonna try while I'm home just to give him fruit nothing else and if he don't eat it threw out the day i will change it cause i don't want him to lose any weight.

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  • 6 months later...

I keep reading that greys should primarily be on a pellet diet. Where im living, in Saudi Arabia, it is impossible to buy.

Its slim pickings in the way of parrot food out here. I have a choice of Trill or Vitakraft. I go for the Vitakraft. It seems to have more nutritional value than trill and has bits of dried fruit, some pellets and very little sunflower seeds. Does anyone know if this is good/not good for greys?

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"I keep reading that greys should primarily be on a pellet diet. Where im living, in Saudi Arabia, it is impossible to buy.

Its slim pickings in the way of parrot food out here. I have a choice of Trill or Vitakraft. I go for the Vitakraft. It seems to have more nutritional value than trill and has bits of dried fruit, some pellets and very little sunflower seeds. Does anyone know if this is good/not good for greys? "


It is not necessary to feed pellets in order for your Grey to have a good diet. If you can buy human grade whole grains and legumes, plus fresh vegetables, a few nuts, some fruit and once a week or so, a little protein food, your Grey will be very healthy. It does take more effort than just putting a dish of pellets or seeds in front of them however. If you're interested in feeding a very good diet to your Grey, please check out the files section here:




You may need to join this Yahoo forum in order to read the files. You also can post questions, and the knowledgeable moderators will give you answers.


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  • 3 weeks later...

There many fruits you can give, as long as she you clean them very well, and don't let them set in the food bowl for to long due to spoiling.


My grey loves bananas, grapes, strawberries, oranges, apples, black berries, and water melon. It's best to let them try most of them, not sure if there any fruits that are harmful, I have book at home that I use, its parrot cookbook and it tells what each fruit has in it, and other foods as well. To help you chose better diet. I'll have to find it, for just moved, and put it on this site, its really good book.

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Dorian came to me only eating what he wanted out of the Fiest mix. I've found two keys to getting him to try fruits & veg. 1/I have to sit by him and eat it first and make a real show of enjoying it. Sometimes the first time I offer it he still refuses to try, so then I make a big show of eating the piece I just offered him. Usually the second time I offer he tries it! 2/He will immediately refuse any fresh food that has just come out of the fridge. Doesn't like the cold feel I guess, so I have to let everything warm up before I offer it. Clued into this when one day he spit apple back in my face after greedily eating it the day before. As you can see, he's training me well:lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

My CAG absolutely ADORES pommegrante. I give him a quarter a day and he loves picking the fruit out of the skin. With his pommegrante I give him red grapes (he won't eat white ones..fussy sod) lettuce, dried banana (he won't eat fresh bananas) and whatever else I have in the fridge. I change and swap things about every few days so he doesn't get bored of the same food. As an extra treat I give him a few pine nuts or croutons occasionaly which he gets very excited about.

We also do a "Biggles bowl" at supper time which has whatever veg we are having for dinner in it as he loves to eat at the same time as us.

All this and his regular food of mix and seed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks,he does eat a lot of others but didnt want to write a long list,lol. cucumber and lettuce are more water,but he does enjoy them when i make a salad ;)what would you say is thee best fruit or veg to try him with? he enjoys grapes,apples,plum,pomagrantit(when i can find one) but would love to try him with something new,i bake the coconut and hang it in the cage,he loves that,it acts as a toy,and a treat.:)

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,just read the thread with all the usefull info,but the only thing I could`nt find is Kiwi,can Pooky have it,I do buy alot of them as I love them and it seems a shame for Pooky not to have any.

Many thanks Jackie

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