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Which Fruits to give my Grey


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My Grey is 4 months old and I notice he is very picky on the food he eats like the bird mix they gave me at the shop he only likes to eat the seeds and peanuts which they told me is not health for him just to eat that. I tried to give him the biscuits which they gave me which I have to dip them in warm water but he won’t eat them. Now today I was eating an apple and he lunched at me to get a bite so I gave him a piece and he loved it. He ate almost the whole half of apple. Which other fruits can the greys eat and what should I gave him and not give him<br><br>Post edited by: Bronxboomer, at: 2007/06/04 23:46

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Aloha, Do you have access to foods like Harrisons or Roudybush? These are pellets most avian specialists agree are ideal. Both can be purchased online :-) Fruits and Veggies are a part of a bird's balanced diet. It's good to offer your bird variety, and it's cool to mix it up with your pellets down the line, but when you are first starting out you might consider keeping them in separate bowls so that you can tell how much of which thing your bird is eating.


rules I follow according to my avian specialist ....



Alcohol & alcoholic beverages Avocado (skin, pit) Caffeine, Chocolate Cigarette Smoke, Coffee, Corn (stored in humid area), Highly salted food Mushrooms, High Oxalic acid foods (spinach, rhubarb), Raw peanuts in shell (poorly stored), Seeds (in quantity apple, apricot, bitter almond), seeds (in quantity cherry, peach, pear, plum), Soft Drinks (with caffeine or colas), tea, wines<br><br>Post edited by: estream, at: 2007/06/05 00:12

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Guest Monique

I would give him fresh fruit & veggies mixed with his other staple diet (be it pellets or seeeds) for at least one meal or two is okay, too. The benefit to mixing is they tend to get new tastes of things even if they'd rather not ... since it is all together so it encourages trying new foods. Not to say that most of the time they can't eat around the bits they don't want :). Pellets are generally accepted as a healthier all around diet than seeds. If you go to the Harrisons web site they have a good article on how to convert your birds to pellets (method is the same regardless of brand) should you choose to make this change.

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Guest briansmum

yes i just checked everywhere i have looked for diet tips and they all say spinach is good for them as it contains calcium.. i'm a bit confused now.

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I'm fairly sure he means "in quantity" with spinach. A little goes a long way? I'll be sure to ask him to expand on that, there is so much conflicting info it gets terribly confusing. I figure to everything there is a balance :-)

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Make sure you switch your CAG to a pellet diet first. Use seeds only for a treat. Fresh fruit and veggies- all are ok - except avacado is toxic. If you have a whole foods near you - they love dandilion leaves. I heard that apple seeds are toxic so only give the fruit itself and not the seed.

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Yeah I cut around the center of the apples and pears and always check for pips. I made a mix today for my grey i added some apples pears and oranges with spinach he loved it it ate almost the whole bowl :laugh: Now i got a question can i give him watermelon Strawberries??? I tryed to give him some bananas but he took a chunk and spit it at me it was funny:woohoo: :laugh:

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For Glinda2, do not give avocados, chocolate, raw onions, mushrooms, tea, coffee, any sodas, salt or salty foods such as chips, alcohol, apple seeds or the pits of peach or nectarines. There are some others but I cannot think of them at the moment.:)

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Strawberries are good, but they are known for pesticides. Make sure they are cleaned well. As for watermelon, I'd think it's OK. I haven't seen it on any bad lists, and I actually have one I have to cut up adn vacuum seal when I get home.

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Good info in the above posts. Lots of fresh stuff is key. I have Kip on a pellet mix/plus some seeds. Also offer all kinds of fresh veggies/fruit daily. She loves fresh corn on the cob that I skewer. I always have the pellet/seed mix available and then daily offer:


Skewer with: 1/4 fresh corn on the cob, carrots, broccoli and some leafy stuff (usually spinach, collard greesn or red leaf lettuce)


fresh food bowl with: dried figs, goldenobles bean supreme, apple slices, grapes, carrot slices, 2 almonds, some pine nuts, broccoli flowers and a bit of anything else fresh around like strawberries, blue berries, watermelon, orange slices, blackberries etc.


I find with all the fresh foods she often will not even need much of the pellet/seed mix. Her weight has gone up a bit since we've had her and her feathers look very nice and shiny! I also often share toast in the morning soaked with a bit of red palm oil. The palm oil is something they naturally get in the wild Congo rain forest where they are from and is supposed to be quite good for them...we can eat the palm oil too!


Anyways, spice it up as they like variety and everything in moderation. A few chips from time to time as treats are fine. Like others have said, definite no no's are: avocado, caffeine, alcohol etc. They can eat just about anything else in moderation just like you and me! ;)

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