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Boy or Girl? What makes a better pet?


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Hi everyone this is me once again :) I am wondering what makes a better parrot? A boy or a girl? I told our breeder I don't care as long as we have the most loving baby on the planet! I am sure maybe some people beg to differ. We have ALL boy animals and I have 4 kids 2 girls and 2 boys. I thought it might be cool to have a baby girl for a change or we just might continue on with our boy fest {Feel-good-000200BB}lol


Thank You{Feel-good-000200A2}

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I agree with Talon. There is no difference.


The important thing is that your Grey is well socialized and interacted with constantly through out the day at the breeders residence. Optimally it would be best to visit the Greys yourself and let one pick you. That always seems to work out the best if the Breeder is close enough to visit. :-)

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There is really no difference, each grey is an individual and as long as you get your bird socialized with all the family and with other people too then it makes no matter which you get.


If there is more than one baby to pick from see if one will pick you, if one does then that is the one for you.

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Hey Carol, if your breeder is like mine, a person who really loves her greys and all her babies, that person will know the personality of each baby. So when you go to choose one, ask your breeder about the personality of each baby available for you to choose from and go from there. My Ana Grey chose me, she was the first to come to me and she came back to me after I had handled the other three. Everyone there agreed she wanted to come home with me. She is a lovely, cuddly little lady. We are bonded. She was DNA tested to be a female after I got her home.

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