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CAG and Amazon


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Hey All,

I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy with house/kid/parrot sitting. These people have a menagerie of birds, including an Amazon parrot named Pikachu. Pax is with me and she's being such a good girl! Pik and Pax are in the same room, though their cages are several feet apart. They don't get too close to one another but answer each other's calls from across the room. Dayum those Amazons really like to screech! Both birds talk constantly.

Pax isn't used to other birds, so this has been a really stimulating experience for her! When I get back to my place I will be posting some pictures from our little "excursion". Okay, it's time to put Pax to bed.



Take Care. I hope everyone is having a good week.

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I would also love to see the pics but also hear more on what Pax did around the Amazon. I initially was looking for an Amazo companion, but Bella, my lovely grey got my attention instead :) But I do find Amazons to be characters as well....

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