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Scrambled egg!


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Hey guys,


Casper has just discovered he LOVES scrambled egg - he's really going for it. I just wondered if they can have too much of a good thing - is it safe to leave him with the whole thing, or is he likely to suffer some harm if he overdoes it?



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Guest Monique

I don't really limit how much I give my birds ... but I only give them egg once a week at the most. I'm not sure what the technical advice would be but this is what I do....

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Oddly enough, I just read an article about portion control in the June issue of Bird Talk magazine. They actually mention scrambled eggs as well. I'll have to dig the magazine out and post what they recommend (I'm thinking it was a tablespoon or so for a grey).

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Okay, the guidelines that Bird Talk gives are:


1/4 to 1/2 teaspoons for cockatiel-sized birds

1 1/2 to 2 teaspoons for senegals and conure-sized birds

1 to 2 tablespoons for amazon-sized birds

1 ounce for macaws and large cockatoos


They said that you should feed small amounts of many types of food to give your bird a better chance of obtaining the wide variety of nutrients they need. Otherwise, they might fill up on one type of food to the detriment of another. They give an example of a sick cockatiel who came into the bird clinic, and who was eating 2 tablespoons of scrambled eggs. They said it was the equivalent of us sitting down and eating a dozen eggs.

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Guest Monique

Caspersmum wrote:

and reassuring to know that I haven't over-stuffed my bird (or is that a bit of an unfortunate phrase?!).



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  • 3 years later...

I have recently discovered that Issac LOVES scrabled eggs. He picks up a piece and pumps his neck to get it down fast. I love it and wish I could find more things that he loves this much. As a tip, I will scramble up an egg for him using palm oil as the cooking oil...just a little bit. Then I give him about a third of the egg...ohh man...if he could smile. LOL

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I try and give Diego half a scrambled egg with the shell every Sunday morning when we have a cooked breakfast. However, he will take a few beaks fall not look all that impressed and then leave it. When we have finished with our breakfast he flys over to the table and then will eat my son's leftover scrambled egg? Whats the deal with this? I make it exactly the same way but obviously without the shell, could it be this that he is not liking?

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Babalu eats eggs any way I prepare them. I just started trying to give him shell with his hard boil egg. He does not seem to eat to much of the shell though. Hmm, I guess I don't really know how much he does eat because he rips it all apart and makes a huge mess in and out of his bowl. I forgot you can cook eggs in the mirco! Thanks for the reminder.

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When I made scrabbled eggs before in the micro, I just mixed, then put in glass bowl and set time. I always watched them though, cause they cook super fast and expand. So when they started to puff up, I would open the door and mix then put back in. I had to mix a couple times before done. I don't remember the exact time it took but maybe say 2 eggs for like 2 minutes?? I will have to experiment again with times. I think I have a microwave poacher too somewhere...

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How do you cook em in the micro, just put em in a microwave safe bowl and go? Do they still come out yummy? Never done this.


OK, this is how I make scrambled eggs. It's the English way, here in Spain it's different but I still prefer the scrambled eggs my mum used to make LOL.


Beat an egg in a micro safe bowl

Add a small pinch of salt and pepper

Add a knob of butter to every egg

Add a around 1/2 tablespoon of milk to every egg


Whisk them all together, stick them in the microwave on full heat. Keep taking it out of the micro every 10 seconds and break up with a fork. Keep going until you reach how you like your eggs cooked.


When I make Diego's I skip all the other ingredients and literally just cook the egg with the shell and some paprika pepper.

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