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Spoiled Brat!


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Hey guys,


My little girl is plucking her feathers again (she has a loooong history so see previous posts if you are interested)....


Anyway, the plucking started as a response to pain, pain is gone now, but when she doesn't get her way (when she wants to come out of her cage, and I don't take her out), she PLUCKS!


She's just grown back her feathers (she was totalllly bald), and now is growing in lovely feathers, and I can't see any skin anymore.


Anyway, I just ignore the behaviour and leave her alone till she's behaving well for a significant period of time. I've read a billion posts about plucking, and lots of reading up over the past months... so was wondering besides ignoring her does anyone have any novel ideas of what we can do to specifically target this SPOILED BRAT BEHAVIOUR. ;-)


Ta everyone...


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Hi Sameera,


It really good to hear mas is no longer Bald and growing in nice feathers again.


I know the plucking for attention alarms you, but to prevent it, ignoring the plucking as you are doing is the best practice. If you responded to it, she would pluck everytime she wanted attention.


Spoiled brats are hard to deal with and they do throw a fit for a while. But, once the fit is over they settle down and resolve themselves to the fact that you still ignoring the fit and you'll get them out of the cage or pay attention to them when you are ready or done doing whatever task it that you need to get done with out a bird hanging off your body.


It's really good to hear a progress report and I hope you'll post more often. We all have Mas on our minds and wonder how things are going. :-)

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I'd also say ignoring it is the best course of action. However, have you been teaching her any acceptable ways to get your attention? If not then mas is pretty much caught between a rock and a hard place and may be well plucking out of frustration. She probably knows that plucking doesn't work but she doesn't know what will so she keeps trying/gets frustrated and plucks because of that.

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Hehe... guys her name is Zahzu ;-)


When she asks to come out I take her out, she sits nicely and will sometimes say "Want to come out" and I oblige - it's so cute! Also when she's sitting and chatting in her cage I offer her a time out (she often refuses though)...


So, shall keep ignoring the nonsense... soon we need to take her to get feather cysts removed - probably at end of month I'll do that.


Thanks guys, you are all just the best help one could ask for!



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