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Such Things as a Baby Bird Book?


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Yes I am anxiously awaiting on bringing my baby home who is only a week old! I am wondering is there such thing as a Baby Bird book? You know like something like a Baby book except for birds?


I know I had a Brag book for our dog when he was a baby. Has anyone made a journal or a book at your baby's arrival?



<-----------One proud Mama Grey Mama(I have 4 human kids too) :laugh: lol


Thank You!


Ok I found one link but it's for a Pet Scrapbook but you can use whatever pet you have for it. Ok im still on the hunt! :lol:


http://http://www.personalizedpettales.com/index.html<br><br>Post edited by: Msvoluptous, at: 2009/03/02 19:27

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Thats what I want to do also. So you can look back and say oh yea he spoke his first words on such and such a day or our first Dr. visit the day you brought him home all that stuff needs to be documented so you don't forget and when He grows up you can show him all the silly things he did as a baby :laugh: :blink: :laugh:

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Great idea Msvoluptous!!


I have photos of my Grey that journals every week from 6 weeks old on.


A photo album is going to get made along with his birth certificate, DNA results etc.


Karma to you for this posting this. :-)


The link you referenced gives some good ideas in laying out the book pages.


pagesamples8.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2009/03/20 15:50

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