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he won't go back!


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hi all,


over the last few weeks Vince has been difficult to get back in his cage at night. what can i do to get him to go back easier? sometimes he goes back ok but today he point blank refused. i had to pick him up and place him in the cage. i gave him a monkey nut and told him good boy for putting up with being handled but i never wanted to resort to it. as he hasn't been going back straight away when he does go back i tell him good boy and give him a treat. he's out atleast 4 hours after i get back from work. he also never goes back to his cage for a drink or for food on his own. it's like he'd stay up all night if i let him.


any help or advice is welcome! :)

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Brett, I put Ana Grey back in her cage when I want her there. I want her to both step up and be comfortable if I just pick her up. If someone else needs to pick her up in an emergency, I want her not to be afraid and cooperate. If I leave a room, I either pick her up or have her step up to put her into her cage. She goes back into her cage on her own also. I have no problem just picking her up. She is use to it. I love Ana Grey and try to respect her space, but she knows I am still the boss.

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Most Greys will not want to go back in the cage, excepting when the day is done, they had their time with you and they are sleepy and accept the offer and trip to the cage willingly.


When they are hyped up and not at all tired. Most will not wish to go back and you just have to force the step up on them. As they age, their combativeness in most cases will become more and more.


Using a reward when you get your Grey back in the cage is a great positive reinforcement for them complying. :-)

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Misty, my six year old GAG is always out of his cage except for bed time.

A few weeks ago he decided that he preferred not to sleep in his cage any more.

He always tells me when it is bed time by saying "Bedtime" this would normally be at the end of the day just after I have switched off the TV or music player. He is quite insistent and will go on until I had put him in his cage and turned out the lights and retired myself. I would carry him to his cage and put him in. Then a few weeks ago he started to object! He would wait until I had got him to the cage door and the would fly off onto his perch made from apple tree branches. I had to resort to carrying him over in near total darkness to put him in.

I confess in the end I let him have his way. So now at bed time he will say the word and fly up to his perch. As I leave the room and turn out the lights I wish him good night and he replies with a quitet "bye bye".

In the morning he often greets me with "Hi babe" and then he asks for his "water" which like my morning coffee must be hot !

He has been well behaved with this arrangement and has caused no problems.

Strangely he will still let me cage him if he has been bad! I never put him in for more that a few minutes. He will say "be good boy..can I come out"

He is irresistible :laugh:

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I guess that is one benefit to having a previously cage aggressive bird. He finds comfort in his cage so at night he puts himself away and if he is being a pill I can tell him to go back and he will.


But because of his previous lifestyle I have the opposite problem as the rest of you, it is a fight sometimes to get him to come out. I just give him fun things to do when he is out, right now he is pretending to be tom cruise in mission impossible.

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Ours are like this as well. Our male decided no I won't go in so we said ok goodnight see you tomorrow and left him out all night. This went on for 3 night and then suddenly he decided yes I do want to go in now, lol.


They are still no keen, but much better. I wait until they are tired and then I tell them it's time to go to bed and I will be here in the morning. I talk to them for awhile and then ask them to step up and they do. I then place them in and make sure I have a bedtime snack in there for them.

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Leaving a bird uncaged at night may not be a great idea. The reason I say this, is the house is dark and they can not see very well. If something startles them and they take off flying, they will fly right into on object or a wall and hurt/kill themselves.


In a cage, if they get started. The worst that happens is they damage their feathers beating them against the cage and perches.


Just something to consider. :-)

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charlie is very good going b ack to his cage,I make a point of sometimes just placing him inside and not locking him in. I have also taught him to go in on command. He is very good at this but sometimes he is reluctant but a firm step up is all thats needed

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