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brought home our baby 2 hours ago

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{Feel-good-00020069}hi all just had to let you all know we brought home our baby cag today (2 hours ago)

soon as we got in we open up her box i lifted her into her cage after 10 mins she was climbing around it i opened the door and she climbed up to the top and sat on her play top she now cleaning herself and eating out of her dish i cant belive it.

we was told she had not flew yet she already had 3 flights and trying to do more but crashs into things

also she loves all of our attention and wants to be with you but also likes walking on the front room carpet il upload some pics soon need to get a couple first lol

anyway we are all over the moon shes home and cant wait for her to make a noise as shes bein very quite at the minute but hey its very early days yet {Nature-00020095}

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{Nature-00020095}thanks all we are having loads of fun and she can already nearly say hello she keeps on trying its sooooo sweet we cant belive how quick she is progressing eg, climbing and flying she loves had a few crashes but overall shes got the hang of it thanks all {Nature-0002009B}

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Congrats on bringing home Rappa, that is an unusual name isn't it, I have never heard of it but I am sure she will master it very quickly as she is already saying hello and you are having such fun with her.


Don't let her climb too high before she takes flight so she won't have as far to fall if she crashes but it takes a while for her to become proficient at flight.

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More Congrats from me:silly: :side: :woohoo: . You must be in heaven in these early days with Rappa. (Love the name by the way) Sounds like Rappa felt right at home from the start and now you will have the best companion ever. Get ready to laugh alot because they bring so much life and fun into a home:laugh: .

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