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Excessive flapping?


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Hi! I am bird sitting for a friend of mine. I have a Grey of my own too. Anyway, she bought this boy from some people who needed to re-home and he is a nice bird but he flaps his wings a LOT. Holds them out in a begging type of position and they just flutter. But it seems to me that he does it to much. I have seen him do that for an hour non stop. He does not act stressed out other then that. He is eating, talking, normal droppings etc. Does anyone know what is going on here? He flaps the majority of the day like this. If you need a video I can get one tomorrow. His new owner has had him about 3 or 4 months and says he has always done this. She was told that he was 5 or 6 years old but we really have no clue.

Thank for any help you can offer. :)

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That may have to do with a neurological situation. It's not harmful. Just looks odd or different. It really depends upon what you mean by a LOT. He may be a very high wire nervous bird. He may be excessively stretching the wing muscles as well as breast muscles.

The excessive flapping may have to do with not being able to fly very much in the past possibly from an extreme type of clipping. Sort of making up for lost time. You haven't really described the type of flying he does. Are the wings totally extended making the bird look like it's gonna take off?

"""Holds them out in a begging type of position and they just flutter. But it seems to me that he does it to much. I have seen him do that for an hour non stop.""""

If the bird is as old as you say, that's possibly a sexual reaction to stimulation or a part of a season.


His new owner should contact the previous owner and ask some questions. It's impossible to give absolutely correct answers to what you describe. It would be guesswork right now.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2009/02/28 06:37

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I will get a quick video of it today and post it to the group. His wings are extreme clipped IMO. His new owner is going to let them grow out. It's sad really to see a clip like this. Mine has never been clipped whch is a little scary at times but I am happy for him to have his wings.

The motion this bird is making is similar to begging and we wondered about sexual maturity too. He does not extend his wings fully. I will post when I get the video up. Thank you for your reply. I know it is just a guessing thing but I think you probably guessed right somewhere in that answer. Thanks again.

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