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Just joined the forum and wanted to say hi!


We have just purchased our first bird, a beautiful 8 week old CAG named Charlie. I am doing lots of reading (mostly here on these forums) and learning tons!


I actually have had a horrible experience with the pet store that we purchased him from. They sold him to me, a first time bird owner not completely weaned. So the first three days we had him, he basically starved.


I was never warned that he might not eat, only told to offer him warm, moist trix looking food that they provided three times a day and he would be fine.


He is now back at the store for the past week, as I am not completely comfortable pumping the formula into him.


Live and learn i guess....:S



Anyway, take a look at the handsome fella



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Welcome Tonepaq!!


Sorry to hear of your bad experience with your first experience in purchasing a young bird.


The picture of him is wonderful and he is a good looking Grey. Hopefully it will not take too long for him to completely wean in the pet store, but it does sometimes not happen until they are 16 to 20 weeks old.


Looking forward to hearing updates on your Grey. :-)

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It is not a good situation, your right.


If they force you to take him, which I hope they don't. Make sure you pay very close attention to your Greys weight by measuring it each day using a digital scale.


Offer him lots of different types of foods with different textures and colors like veggies, fruits, nuts, seeds etc.


You can spoon feed him formula, just make sure the temperature is correct.


You can also buy some human baby food for newborns and warm up a little to spoon feed also. There are a tone of veggies and fruit selection in these. Your Grey will like some and maybe not others.


Always keep offering wide variety of things whether he eats them or not. Their tastes change rapidly and what they would not eat today, they may tomorrow or the next day.


Please keep u s updated on this and of course any help you may need can be found here on the forum with all our knowledgeable members being more than happy to answer all your questions. :-)

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