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i have a 1yr old gray who scratches and plucks, and has done since i've had her (11 weeks old). her diet is good consisting of harrisons biscuit (high protein for 6 months). she cant be bored as i interact with her often, she hasnt been moved for a long while, i moved her more in the midlle of the room so there is no draft, and she gets 12 hrs sleep at night. i've tried AVIbird smoother topical spray for 10 days when she had a really bad pluck. she was ok 1 night then the nxt morning she had really attacked her back. i also tried some pluck no more type spray but since she doesnt use her tongue to pluck found the stuff pointless cos she wont taste it. shes started on her chest and under her wings (amrpit area) of late and its getting more worrying. it looks as though they itch because of how she reacts. i can see black spots but am unsure if its the feathers she pulled or mites? shes ok when i spray her with water for a time. help help help.

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The others are correct in recommending a vet visit.


Can you provide a photo close up of those black spots?


Are they moving, meaning they are a living parasite?


One thought on the vet. If you do determine they are a mite or some other living parasite. You may not need to pay for a vets official office visit. YOu may be able to just take your bird in and let a helper see what parasite your talking about and just sell you the correct treatment.

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yeah i know but i cant afford it at the minute. i did take her when she was younger at the cost of £100 only for her to tell me she just had dry skin. the black spots dont move and do just look like they are new feathers sprouting i will try and get a pic but im on my own and its really hard to do. shes become very wary of me touching her because of the spraying i was having to do. i will sell some valuables and take her i reckon. its too heart wrenching to see. thanks for all your replies ppl.


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Ok, it is indeed possible they are new pins coming in. Does she pluck them out also?


It sounds like you are providing plenty of out of cage time, toys, foraging toys etc. to keep her active and entertained.


The misting should have helped slow it down. I would suggest just using 100% Aloe Juice and mist her with it 3x a week thoroughly.


A vet visit will be required to rule out any underlying health issues or vitamin deficiencies though.


Peace back at ya and i hope all goes well. Please keep us updated, we truly care!! :-)

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the harrisons bird food provide the vitamins she requires and then i add calcium solution to her water. there was a time when she wasnt get the calcium she needed but she has still scratched since she was young. i dont know, like i said im going to sell some possesions to take her to the vet.... thanks once again...

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lol there is no way i would sell my birds stuff she would kill me!!! its my stuff im gonna sell. bugger it i dont play my xbox or get the same amount of fun out of it as i do my baby. she comes first as shes my only dependant child. lol.

thanks for the advice tho, animal lovers must be the most friendly people ever!!

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