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potty training??


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i've heard(read lol) a few pple in here's greys are potty trained. how would you go about paper/potty training? i'm very interested in this, as it would cut down on the poo mess in the house, and i like that idea better than flight suits. any suggestions or even links that could describe how it's accomplished. thanks!

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Mine certainly is not potty trained yet but we are working on it. What I do is similiar to how you would potty train a dog. When he comes out of his cage he goes dirrectly to a perch that I put paper under and he knows he has to go there before he can get off. I put him there and I tell him to go poop or whatever you want to call it. Then it is a timing thing you need to put him back where you want him to go frequenly and catch him when he needs to go by telling him again go poop. And just be consistant about it. I would say we are over half the way there when he has accidents it is only because I didn't watch him I can tell when he is going to go he does a little dance I just need to catch him before he does the dance. Also make a big deal about it when he does go where you want him to. He does not go on me anymore but we are a work in progress.

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HI, I have to say my Grey is potty trained. She's 15 years old now and she does tell when she has to go poopoo. She actually tells me go poopoo. It's really cute. So everytime you go to let your bird out of it's cage tell your bird to go poopoo. Try to wait it out till your bird goes, if your bird doesn't go it could be because they they may have just gone before you let them out. So when you have your bird out and about, take your bird over to the perch or cage where you want them to go about every 15 to 45 minutes is the average. I'm trying to teach my DYH magna, but it hasn't been as easy. It's learning to watch there body language and how often they go. My bird now will tell me when she wants out of her cage by saying go poopoo. Hope this helps, just be patient it takes time for them to learn...


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thanks! i really hope i'm able to train my grey...it would be so nice (not to mention less messy) i'll let you all know how it goes. i'm getting mine on the 31st (hopefully. that's the guess the breeder made on the ready date) i get my cage on thursday and just bought a bunch of toys today ($200 worth) and i'm SO excited! i'm hoping messing with the cage and getting all the toys set up will help the time go faster!

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I am trying to potty train my Ana Grey. I have a perch with crushed corn husks in the tray and I put Ana Grey there and tell her to go poo. She does go and if she can't she at least tries (which lets me know she understands). If she does go, I tell her what a great girl she is and praise her greatly.

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