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Not the best news


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Hi all I just thought I would let you know that I may not be able to be hear as much as I usually am. My mum has been diagnosed with cancer and I will be running backwards and forwards to hospitals and such.A nurse is coming out this after noon to go over everything with us and answer any questions we have.She is having an operation on the 9 of March and then some radium treatment, The doctor is hopefull that it is very manageable and confined so that is at least some good news.I will be dropping in as much as I can as I think it will be a good distraction.

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I am so sorry to hear of this news Shelia and may her operation go without a hitch and she gets better soon. I know where you are coming from for I think most of us have been thru something similar with a family member as cancer as touched so many people.


I will keep you and your mum in my thoughts and prayers that you both make it thru this in record time and drop in as much as you can to let us know how she is.

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Sheila, I am so sorry to hear this news. What a scary time this must be. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully you mom will be well soon. Medicine has come so far these days. My mom got cancer a long time ago, they did an operation and she beat it so your mom can too. Please keep us posted when you can. God Bless.<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2009/02/26 16:01

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All our thoughts are with you as you help your mother through this. I hope you can stop by as much as possible because I'm sure the distraction will do you some good. Plus, we'll miss you here although we know your mother needs you more now. Best wishes to her for a speedy and full recovery.

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Sheila, I am very sorry to hear the news about your mother. My mother (who just turned 87) was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer three years ago, so I know a little of what you are facing and how confusing and frightening a time it can be. You have my prayers that the operation and following treatments go well, and that your mother, like mine, will come through this with many good years left to live. We will all be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing from you whenever you need a little mental vacation!

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Thanks everyone for the support and well wishes.It is very much apreciated.Mum is going in hospital on the ninth of March for the operation, the good news is that due to a busy nhs she is going in to a private wing of our local hospital so that has given us all a boost.They are expecting her to be in about a week and then she will need to go daily to claterbridge hospital over the water for radiotherapy for about a month.The nurse who came out to see us on Tuesday was very reasuring and helpfull in answering a lot of questions we had.My Mum is looking better than she has in months,been out shopping and I am taking her to Southport this afternoon.Once again thanks so much for the support.

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