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What to feed a very finicky bird


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Lacey (my eclectus) is fresh off surgery and we have been having to hand feed her. She is on antibiotics and her appetite is not very good. On top of that she is quite finicky. We started with baby food and she has grown tired of that. She likes pomegranite juice so we are giving her that. But it seems like whatever we give her she tires of within a day and doesn't want it anymore. WE've gone thru peas, blueberries, strawberries, applesauce and bananas. She'll eat a few occasional seeds and tonight I gave her some peanut butter which she really liked but I know all of the fat in peanuts isn't good for her so I'm trying not to give her too much of that.


Do any of you have any other suggestions that your birds like? We are doing mostly soft foods now and will slowly try to transition back to more solid foods.


Thanks for any help!

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Try picking up Human baby foods. There is a huge selection of veggies and fruits you can warm up and try on her.


After surgery and antibiotics in her system right now, I'm sure her appetite is not what it used to be. But, it will come back as she heals and starts feeling better.

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Why not try some oatmeal, applesauce and maybe a little yogurt for a change. Mine are fond of sweet potatoes and try the mashed potatoes too.


Poor thing probably doesn't have much of an appetite right now and who can blame her but she needs nutrition to keep her strength up.

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Definitely try the sweet potato- finger feed it to her still warm. Also, the oatmeal is a good idea- my greys love it. A little peanut butter probably won't be bad because she needs some extra calories after her surgery. I bet once she feels better her appetite will return. Oh, you also may want to try some scrambled eggs- you can even wash them good and crumble in the shells. The extra calcium would probably do her good after the eggs she produced- it takes a lot of calcium out of their bodies when they produce an egg. :)

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Thanks again for the advice everyone! Tonight I scrambled an egg with just a little a milk in it for calcium and mixed her antibiotics in them. She ate them! Then she had a little rice from my chinese dinner and lots of pomegranite juice. Tomorrow morning we'll try some oatmeal.

Tomorrow is her last day of anitbiotics so I'm sure she'll be getting her appetite back but I still plan on trying some more of your great ideas.

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