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My new TAG

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Hi everyone,

I have been reading some of your posts since Nov 1, 2008, when my husband and I decided to get a baby TAG. We waited for her until Jan 25, 2009. We are both so happy with her, and she seems to be with us also. I will attach a couple of pictures (hopefully) that will show you Emma and her cage which is covered with toys and food dishes. She hates to be in the cage, and stays up top most of the day, coming down to play with me and maybe take a nap on my shoulder once in awhile. She is very sweet and loving. My only problem with her right now is that she will only eat safflower seeds and apples. She will not touch any other seed, fruits, vegies, pellets, etc. I weigh her every day, and she is maintaining her weight and gaining a bit. I have had her checked by an excellent avian vet, who said that seeds are really good for greys and to just keep offering a variety of foods, since they tend to have favorites for awhile and then change their mind. So, I will welcome hearing from anyone out their with advice or just to share.


Thanks for reading,

Martha and Emma

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Welcome Martha and Emma!!


It's GreYt having here. Offer all types of different veggies, fruits, bean mixes etc. Then keep offering the variety. Sooner or later they will start eating some of it. It does take a little time, but it happens. :-)


Looking forward to hearing more from you.

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Hello Martha, welcome here. Try eating stuff in front of her. Act like it's the best thing ever and don't let her have any. Make her watch until she just can't stand it anymore and then finally let her have some too. This technique will sometimes work because of their great curiosity and their desire to be part of the flock and do what the others in their group are doing. Safflower seeds and apples are a good start but she really needs to get some more nutritious foods in her diet. Try baked sweet potato and finger feed it to her warm. Most greys love sweet potato and it is very good for them! Good luck!

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