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It's a girl!!!


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I am so excited and had to share this!! Fially after 6 months of having my baby grey I finally found out that she's a girl!!


This was a little shocking due to the fact that I have heard generally a female bonds with men and a male bonds with women and she doesn't think much of my husband when I am around.


Not that this makes any difference I love her all the same.


I do have one worry....will she lay eggs and what do I do if she does??? I do know she is still to young to worry about that but the concern is still there.


I had a female tiel die because an egg broke inside her. It was horrable and I don't want my grey to meet the same fate.


Thanks for any advice in advance

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Amanda, she is unlikely to ever lay any eggs but that possibility will not be for a few years yet so don't worry about it. I have a female also, she will be 3 years old in May and still several years before I hve to worry about that.


We do have some threads here that deal with that very thing and you can also talk to your avian vet for their opinion and any advice they might have for you.


I am sorry to hear you lost a tiel to that but there are things you can do when that time comes to lessen chances she will ever lay any eggs.

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