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ok my grey luigi was on his stand, i was standing on the chair next to him sorting out a picture frame on the wall, i slipped and fell right on top of my grey pretty hard plus broke my little finger, for the past 3 weeks he wont come near me,wen i go near him he gets really nervous and makes that growling noise, its like hes acting like i done it on purpose to hurt him, also i feel like i have to gain his trust back.... please help wot do i do about this its horrible i feel like i lost a friend

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I hope Luigi is ok, I assume you checked him out pretty good as their bones are hollow and could easily break.


I am afraid you are going to have to gain his trust again as he does associate you with his being hurt by you falling on him. That is why when someone's grey needs something done to them it is best to get someone else to do it or wrap them up in a towel so they can't see it is you.


This may take a while so please be very patient with him and allow him to come to trust you again in his own time, it won't be easy but it will be worth it.


Just remember you have not lost him, well maybe for the moment you have but you will get your Luigi back, just keep working at it.

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Have you ruled out the possibility that he's hurt with a vet visit? Is he behaving normaly when you're keeping your distance? I'd want to be sure his behaviour change isn't because he's in pain from a injury, like a break in his keel.


If he has checked out physically and he's simply spooked you'll just have to give him time to trust you again. In the wild his survival would depend on his ability to constantly evaluate perceived threats and until he's convinced himself you pose no threat he's going to be guarded around you. It's part of the bargain when dealing with an intelligent animal. Their smarts are what keep them alive. It must be very hard for you to feel like he's rejecting you, but he'll figure things out if you give him time. I hope he feels better soon.

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Try to act like nothings happened keep doing the things you've always done for him before this happened if he won't let you touch him then offer him treats sit beside his cage a distance away and read to him or just chat at him. he will soon reliese that your not the bad guy Greys take thing a little harder than other birds but hang in there with him and he will get over it in his own time

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Just be patient with him Tony, he blames you for falling on him which you did and he associates you with that but you will have him back with a lot of work and time. He has to learn to trust you again but he will so don't push him for more than he is willing to give until you two work this problem out.


I know patience is not too many men's virtues but that is what you need right now, take it slow and easy.

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Judy and others are right. Your Grey thinks you attacked him. I know and you do too, that it was an accident. But, not in your precious Greys mind right now. It will take time to build that trust back.


It is wonderful and actually pretty much a miracle that he is nor squashed flat and dead. I know of a man that had a similar falling accident, his Grey was not flighted and was of course directly behind him on the floor looking up when he fell. The bird died instantly, much to the heartbreak of that poor man and his wife.


Please stay in touch and bounce anything off of us you wish in trying to build that trust back.

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My instinct is to use his natural desire to be with his flock to help him recover. Try going into your room without him. If he calls out to you call back to reassure him. After a while go to him and offer your hand or a perch for step up, ask him if he wants to. If he growls don't make a big fuss, just say ok and go back to your room. By nature they are so curious he may decide to come with you. If he choses to step up give him lots of praise. I'd have his favourite treat in my hand every time I asked him to step up so that when he does he'll get a reward right away. It won't happen overnight, but I'll bet his desire to be 'with' will win out. It's a challenge, but he's worth it.

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