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I need help...

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I just bought a new Kings cage for my Grey Doc. It has three silver water/food bowls. The bowls have two nodules on each side that you must put the proper way into the ring that holds them then turn the bowls to keep them in place. In 1 day my Grey has figured out how to turn the bowls and remove them. Does anyone know of any way to rig these bowls so he cannot remove them? I do not want to get the plastic bowls that attach to the side of the cage. I had them with the old cage, and bought this new cage for that reason and a couple others. I just want to use the silver bowls but rig them so he cannot remove them. Any suggestions??? Thanks



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Well, I assume the bowl and holder you are describing is this model:




If so, I really do not see a way of stopping your Grey from turning and lifting it out.


Most cages have swing out bowl holders and you must open the swing out to remove the bowl. They are held down by a lip once closed.


You may need to go with a heavy ceramic bowl as mentioned that your Grey cannot lift.

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I appreciate the help. I thought I had the problem solved. I realized Kings made a new model and the lip was made differently. The lip was fatter and as a result the bowl could be lifted out even without the nodules lined up for removal. Easy for him to remove them. I went back to the store I bought it from and they gave me lips from another cage as the old style. Even though now you must turn the bowl to get them out, he now has learned how to do that. Due to the bowls being smaller, I doubt the ceramic ones will be much help. A Cockatoo I used to have had no problem removing them either. Im going to have to figure out a hardcore way to keep these metal bowls in....

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You are reading my mind Danmcq. I thought about welding a bar across the inside so when I close the door the bar sticks over top of the dish, but I dont know the first thing about welding...This sux. For now I have to use the plastic ones that attach to the cage. But they defeat the purpose of buying this cage. My Grey is like Einstein how smart he is but so dumb because he doesnt realize he will be thirsty and hungry later in the day...LOL



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