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Lost,and then found!!!!


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Wow i am so lucky...i havent posted for a while so for those that dont know me my name is trish and have a grey that is 3 this year and have recently purchased a little baby,she was hatched on 12th oct 2008 and i had her home 11th jan 09.....she is so sweet and doesnt like men(which is a bonus for me as babygirl is all her daddy!!!!)i have named her Angel.....well she must have had one looking after her last night,because the dreaded thing happened,Angel escaped...i was absoulutly devastated...we searched all night,ringing her bell,shouting and whistling but nothing...my hubby was up early morn waiting for the birds to wake then he searched again...nothing....as mid morn aproached i put babygirl in her outside cage encouraging her to whistle and shout and boy was she going for it you could hear her from way way away....after a terrible afternoon of worry at last someone thought they had seen her....i went clambering in peoples gardens searching even the ones where there was no one in....my hubby found her and grabbing her biscuit bowl(she is partial to strawberry custard creams)i then had to try and get her down from the high tree in which she was pearched,after a few tense momemnts i managed to get her to come to me...what a relief....she is perfectly ok,and i am so glad that the weather was mild ...:cheer:


love trish,babygirl and Angel

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OMG Trish, that was a sure scare but I am glad you got her back for many others aren't so lucky.


Yes it has been a while since you have been here but don't let another crisis be the next time you check in with us, come back more often and let us know how you and your two greys are doing, see we didn't even know you had another grey.:ohmy: B)

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Wow, what a frantic and nerve racking 24 hours you and hubby went through. Thankfully you found Angel and all is well again!


Thanks for sharing this. It just shows to never give up and stay vigil. That is extremely important during the first 24 - 48 hours because many times they have not ventured too far yet. Most will stay quite the first day because they are scared. But day 2 they are thirsty, hungry and want their flock around them. That is when a contact call will normally be made by them.


Thanks for posting this. :-)

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thanks for your replies,i am so thankfull to have her back and will now be extra carefull.She is non the worse from her adventure and is a bit of a daredevil lol where as Babygirl is more wary of things,Angel did have black poop the next day but i kept an eye on her and its back to normal.

When i had Babygirl,i often wondered what i would do if she got out so i taught her to "find mommy" and to come to the sound of her bell,i didnt have the chance with Angel so i am so glad that she knew her treats were kept in that orange bowl.

Love to you all,Trish,Babygirl and Angel

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I am so happy for you. You were so lucky. My first grey, Bella, escaped from us about 2 years ago. We searched for days, checked with all the local vets and animal agencies, put up signs, everything. She was never found. We cried for weeks. We have learned our lesson and never, ever leave a cage door open when there is access to the outdoors. Our Bella hated the outside and NEVER flew towards the door, always away from it and her cage was on the opposite side of the room. My boyfriend opened up the door to let a plumber in the house and for some reason she panicked and flew out the door. My boyfriend followed immediately after but couldn't catch up to her. There is nothing so heartbreaking. I walked the neighborhood every day for weeks looking for her.


But since then we have two wonderful new birds and we have become mighty protective parents:cheer:


Keep us updated on your baby and let us know how she is progressing. We send our hugs and kisses on her safe return!

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Im happy for you.

I also had a big scare,Im a newbie to CAG's and have had Skye for almost a month now. Last week through my stupidaty and lack of thought, she managed to escape!!!She flew down the road with me in hot pursuit and landed half way up a house roof!! After 2 long hours of me clinging to the side of the roof i managed to tempt her down!!!

Im so glad i was so lucky to get her back.



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