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How to get my CAG used to noise


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Ash is our 4-month CAG. She's used to the noise from the heater and hair dryer, but she gets very scared when I cook. Usually if it involves oil and stir frys.


Any tips? She'll drop to the bottom of her cage and shriek whenever she hears the oil popping. I'm scared if I have her near me when I'm cooking, she'll fly into the stove or hurt herself.

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i put Vince back in his cage if im cooking or ironing. its best to be safe, i agree with she. reguarding getting a bird used to noise i just tell Vince "loud noise!" just before i make the sound. this way he knows something is coming and puts up with it. he has sat on my shoulder while i vacuum so it works for us. just make sure to only give them a 'taster' of the noise before going all out! :woohoo:

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Warning works with Dorian as well. I tell him 'loud noise, ready?' and he's fine. I also let him know if I'm coming into the room carrying something that might be big or scary to him. I've found over the months that his tolerance for noise and activity has gotten way better!

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She's not in the kitchen... she's in the living room. But my place is so small you can see the kitchen from the living room (think of a square room... kitchen on one side, living/dining room on the other side).


I will definitely try the warning. Wish me luck!

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