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Pros and cons


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Birds all have their own personality. I will tell you what I like about mine and what I don't like. She is 15 months old.


1)I like that she is kinda of quiet. Does not scream or squawk.

2)I like that she is soooo sweet and I can have her on my shoulder.

3) I like that she is so smart. She was easy to potty train.

4) I like that so far she has not shown any signs of agression. She has NEVER bitten me.


Now, what I DON'T like:

1) I wish she was more active and liked to climb around and play more. It is very difficult to entice her into a game.


2) I wish she would eat her veggies. Grays are suspiciou of new foods and it takes a long time and a lot of creativity to get thm to try something new.


3) When I get her a new toy, she is afraid and suspicious of it. I have to go through this long ritual of getting it a little closer everyday and playing with it in front of her before she will accept it and sometimes she never does.


4) She does not like baths but needs them because Greys are very dusty.


5) Greys are prone to feather plucking and it can be brought on by anything as simple as moving the cage. Mine does not pluck but she does chew on her wing feathers and they look natty.

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i have a son who is 3 this saturday and we are buying a CAG also this saturday we hope they will both get along fine as we alraedy know our son is good with them as a friend of the family has some kind of amizon.

we understand its going to take time and alot of effort to learn them both wats right and wrong but we are well ready for the challange i think it would be ok as long as your child understands when you say no to leave the bird alone. also think of it as it good company for your child and the rest of the family hope this helps you dawn5679 {Nature-00020095}

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I absolutely would be able to fill an entire page of pro's about our grey, and the Cons are very few and far between and actually change every day.


Somedays I wish echo was not such a mama's boy (but not very many) only when I have somthing I have to do.


The only other con I have is Echo does chew anything he can get his beak on up. He loves the remote buttons, but that is up to us to remove them from his site.


I would not trade him for the world.


I would like to add for the previous poster to be very careful with the bird and the 3 year old, I have 4 kids 15,13,9 and 4 and my bird hates my 15 year old, my 13 year old pesters him so bad and he did bite her and drew blood, I did tell her she had it comming. Echo loves my 9 year old second to me. And the 4 year old leaves him alone so Echo leaves my 4 year old alone, Just watch that the 3 year old is not left alone to get bit.

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thanks for the heads up jhhuhma we have already met our bird on 2 different occassions and she seems to love my little boy and remembers him she has bein hand reared inside the house and has even had the kids of the breeder have a feed i know the risks and belive me if i thought it would be a problem we would not be bringing her home but on the other hand we will be always near when its my son and cags time together and if any problems my son just wont handle the bird.

i must add my son is very quite and of a calm nature but does love his animals no matter wat they are and spends lots of his time playing with his dog they get on like a house on fire lol so hopefully all should be good but a steep learning curve for all

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I think you will be fine, my 15 yr old is not a fan of birds and I think echo knows that and therefore it is a mutual feeling between them and like I said my daughter plays rough with him and so I feel like she is asking for the bite and she knows it will happen and continues. My 9 year old sounds like what you describe your son as. He is a sweet quiet boy and loves animals now echo has attached himself to Tanner's fingers not what I would call a bite more of a warning, Tanner handles it very well shaking it off and not saying a word to me, but he knows that means leave me alone and does so. I was quite surprised the first time I saw it that it didn't scare him but he loves Echo and he is the only one other than me that Echo will cuddle with. You will be just fine,if the one your getting is a baby like mine was I would suggest that you expose them from the beginning together, I think that may have been my misteak I kind of guarded my older kids from him wanting to see his personality before I trusted him and he bonded too much with me he will bite at anyone that gets close to me if he is in my lap even the 9 year old. Mostly have fun I am excited for you I LOVE MY BIRD TO PIECES, my older kids say more than them.. Not true but they tease me. Anyway have a blast...

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