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Hi everyone!!

my name is Dawn. I dont have an african grey yet but I want one sooooo badly. I found this site on youtube and that I'd check it out.


I haven't gotten my african grey yet because I dont feel I have enough information to be a good grey owner yet lol. From time to time i might actually ask questions but for now I think I'll just hang around and read alot.

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Hello Dawn and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your desire to own a grey.


I commend you for doing the research and finding out all you can before you actually put money down on one, they require much care and lots of attention and should not be purchased on a whim like some are. You need to find out if one is a good fit for you and your family for once you get one its for a long time, it is truly a lifetime committment.


You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so please do read thru them and do ask questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

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Hi Dawn, welcome to the family. What kind of a grey are you looking for a Congo or a Timneh? They are both remarkable greys, although I am bias toward the Timneh, as I have lovely female named Ana Grey. I commend you for taking the time to learn about greys before purchasing one. It is a lifelong commitment, not to be taken lightly. Please keep us posted on your search as we all love to travel along on the journey of grey ownership.

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