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What type of games do you play with your grey?


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We play ball , where we throw it to him and he throws it back. This is a very popular game. I have added a video hope it works.


Rangi also hangs upside down on his spiral and likes me to tiggle him. We also play can you catch me. He runs along the windowsill and I run after him saying I am going to get you and when i catch him I tiggle him. He then races in the other direction all the time sayign "I am going to get you".


The egg cartons are a real hit. Kea rolls on her side actually into the open egg carton and I start to close it and she loves to bite the egg carton. They get hours of fun out of the egg carton.


We also play peek a boo, probably like everyone does. I stand in the hallway and pop my head around and say peek a boo and they get so excited the come flying up the hallway to catch me.

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I got the birds these huge (about an inch and a half wide) colored plastic buttons to chew on/play with and one of Saphiras favorite games to play is "throw the buttons on the floor and see how many times Daddy will go get them"....Kinda feels like "fetch" but in reverse, as I am going to get them.

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Jane08, that's a cute video of your grey playing ball. I play peek-a-boo and also the "I'm gonna get your ___" game. You say "I'm gonna get your beak!" and then touch the bird's beak- then move on to other body parts. This gets Lyric a little wound up and by the end of it he's trying to get me before I can touch him- he hates it when I touch his tail. I started playing this game with him to get him more used to being touched in places he may not like.

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I just recently convinced Whisper to throw a ball for me. I was having a hard time convincing her to do it for more than a couple of seconds until I started giving her a little treat every time she threw it. Now she will play for a lot longer. It is the first time I have used treats and done it like a trick.


I will get it on video soon.

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As Saphira is now getting much better with her talking and Thorn is working on his mimicing, I have started a new training session with Saphira, where I will ask her "what does a duck say?", and in two 10 - 15 minute training sessions, about 75% she will now answer me with "Quack Quack". Now that she is getting that one down, I will teach her, "What does the dog say?", then cat, pig, and a few others. I am still debating if I want to teach her the sound a rooster makes.

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Loved the video of the bird playing ball. I've got one of Tobie playing ball. Like Char,he doesn't get into it as much as I do. The best times we have together are when he sits on my shoulder and we just talk back and forth. Like Sallas does, I will say "can you sing a pretty tune" and Tobie will do his version of Andy Griffith's theme. Then I'll say "can you sing like this, Ba-baaaa--baa-ba-de-da(or whatever)" and he does his version. then "Telephone" and he rings like a phone and sais Hello. We can play like that for an hour. Last night we were playing like that and he sang "baaa-ba--baba--baaaaaa" especially well so I was complimenting him - "what a good singer tobie is". He replied, "thank-you". There is lots of laughter now in my house that wasn't there before Tobie.<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2009/02/25 04:48

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