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What a cute picture of Murphy I bet you and him are the best of friends am I right. Ibet you can't wait until schools out for summer so you can spend even more time with him. have you started harness training him yet so you can take him out with you to the beach and for walks or just to hae him with you. I love taking Adaya with me and I do when ever I can she loves to be out and about enjoying the sun and meeting new people she so friendly everyone just loves her. So tell us all about murphy and what you and him have been doing.

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yea hes amazing i knew they were smart but he continues to amaze me hes one of my best friends.and luckily im home schoole so i get to spend ALOT of time with him hes barley ever in his cage because when im at work my dad will get him out i havnt started harness training yet but i plan to soon. he was clipped when i got him and hes never learned to fly so when i first got him he went EVERYWHERE with me until one night hi got scared and tried to fly away so he no longer gets to go outside because even though iv had him less than a month i cant imagine my life without him :) how are your two babies doing?

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Ohh Murphy is so precious Tiffany! That is sooo scary that he almost flew away from you! I bet you almost had a heart attack, I sure would! The other day I had Ecko outside in his harness and he got scared of a noise and flew away, thank god I have the harness on because he couldn't fly far and landed safely. You should definitely start harness training him so he gets use to it. I bet he had fun going outside with you. That is so cool you are home schooled and get to stay home with him all day. I hate leaving Ecko to go to work but thankfully he is out all day with my boyfriend, I just always miss him lol. :lol:

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yea i cant wait to get him a harness he loved going to grauge sales and he went to the library with us it was fun to socilize him and the people to an extent because where i live you can take dogs in most stores and so people were suprised to see a bird traveling around town . i do work so i miss him the entire 13 hours a week im gone but im glad i dont have to be away from him all day at school.


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Look at that cutie pie I canso understand why you love him so much how could any body in their right mind not fall head over heals in love with a sweet little baby like that makes me want to just pick him up and squeeze him.:laugh: I feel exactly the same way about Adaya except I do pick her up and give her squeezes She loves it. She is so special she will allow me to do anything with her she juust trsts me so much My other birds love me and trust me but its so different from Adaya I guess because I raised her from the time she was 5 weeks old. she loves to wresle with me when she's laying belly up on the palm of my hand and when she wants scritches she will just drop head first into my hand silly bird. She knows I would never let her fall. She really is quite the little character. I could not even think about my life without her or why I didn't get one when I was so much younger we cold have spent our whole lives together. You are so lucky you and your Grey will grow old together what a wonderful blessing you have.

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