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I love you!


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Klaus says, "I love you!"

"I love you, birdie!"

"You my good bird!"

"That's my baby!"

"I'll be right back, ok?"

"Be a good bird, ok?"

"Hi, Klausie! Hi, Klausie!"

"Are you sassy?"

"Whaddaya doin'?"


He also sings the first two lines of "I can see clearly now the rain has gone. I can see all the obstacles in my way..." The second line is a little garbled, but you can definitely tell what he's singing. He whistles it beautifully, too. I can't believe what a good whistler he is!

and the list goes on and on...

There's also a word he says that I can't discuss on this forum...Everything he says and does, he gets from my husband, who will at times cuss like a truck driver. I ignore Klaus when he says the bad word but it's hard not to giggle...

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It sound like Klaus is picking up words well now and perhaps to well. ;-)


What is it with the BAD words? Human children will pick them up faster than any other and it also seems Greys as well. Do they snicker to themselves when the say it... hehehehehehehe...I said the "F" word hahahahahahaha.


But, will they pick up nice and important words that they hear constantly, that will enhance their chances of becoming famous for their brilliance and intellectual capacity? Like ... sententious, anthropomorphizing and perspicacious.....


No, they want to say Doo Dee, Poopy, make Fart sounds etc.......


But, we laugh and roll on the floor don't we....which only encourages such frivolous behaviour and learning of bad words and sounds with even more fervor by our Greys. ;-):P

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There is nothing I hate worse than those bad words. Fergie my YCA lived in a house for her first 4 years where the people fought allot and the language that bird knows would make a sailor cringe. I've had her for 8 yrs and you would think in that time she would have stopped. But oh no if I raise my voice to yell at my daughter for something thats all it takes and Fergie start screaming obsenitys. Mabie when my daughter grows up and leaves home we may never have to hear her say those words anymore. When I first got her it was kind of funny but after 8 years of it its definatly not funny anymore.

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