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Going on vacation soon....


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Hello everyone!


I am going on vacation with my bf on March 6th in the middle of the night, and won't back til the night or late afternoon of March 12.. or at the latest March 13th.


I am a bit nervous about leaving Pepper here. I don't even wanna go without him haha. It's a short period of time but he hates being without us even for 5 - 8 hours. My parents will be here, and we're moving his cage downstairs so that helps. He is so used to spending the day with me though.



How has everyone elses experiences been with leaving their grey on vacation??:)


Oh, and I took Pepper to get his nails clipped today :)

He didn't really like the car ride LOL.

2e1yupw.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Brittany, at: 2009/02/21 20:56

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I think Pepper will be ok with you being gone, at least he has your parents there so he won't be alone and he should be very glad to see you when you get back so don't worry and enjoy yourself.


Pepper might take the car ride better if he was in a carrier or travel cage of some sort, that is the way I transport my grey. She has toys, food and water in there for her and I sometimes take her with me when I visit my son and it is a 4+ hour ride and she does well in the carrier, she plays and talks.

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You know why he scratches to get out, because you get him out, he knows now that you will get him out if he protests, he has you trained very well Brittany.


But what if you had an accident, even a small one and the door opens up or the window breaks, then he might get loose and fly off, or he decides to bite your ear or something to distract you, it only takes a second for something to happen.


Not really scolding you but I just want to give you something to think about.

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