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Hi everyone, I am new to the forum but hope to spend many hours sharing information with you all. I have a 2 year old CAG who came to me totally wild and aggro. Through patience and hard work he is completely tame now. Look forward to sharing experiences with you all.

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Welcome to the forum There are many of us who have also taken in Greys that where far from little angels. I rescued my Cag when she was 4 yrs old I'm her fourth and final owner. She was very abused and neglected in her last home so when she came to be she was very untrusting of humans I have had her for 1 1/2 years and have taken her from being a scared mean unhappy bird to where she is now. She is very happy confident and a real sweety. We still have a ways to go but she definatly isn't anything like the bird I brought home almost 2 years ago.

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Thanks! As you can imagine it hasn't been easy.I have the scars to prove it. There were days when I thought 'What have I let myself in for' Habib was also a neglected bird and was traumatised by kids in his previous home. He is still very unsure of hands and fingers and ony steps up onto my arm or fist, which is fine with me. I am afraid he has become a bit spoilt and won't allow anyone else to pet him. I am working on this problem now and he seems to be playing along.

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You and I seem to have allot in common when it coms to our birds Tyco is just starting to feel comfortable enough to step up onto my hands for a long time she would only step up onto my arm or a perch and then from the perch to my arm but its getting better all the time. I'm looking forward to your progress. and what methods work for you. It sounds like you have the patients and love that it takes to turn your sweet Grey around.

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