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Lacey is home!


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Lacey came home today. She is very quiet and napping a lot but the vet said she is doing better than expected. She must take an antibiotic injection every day for the next 5 days.


We're still not competely out of the woods but, so far, she has been a little miracle. The vet said he would have never expected her to survive 2 hours of surgery. He had remove her uterus and repair her intestines and the egg was HUGE!. He thinks she'll make a full recovery.



Thank you again for all of the kind words and thoughts sent our way. I'll try to post pics of both Scarlett and Lacey later this week!

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Mary that is great news to hear and she has come this far, she will make that full recovery, she is a tough trooper for sure and has been thru a lot but with your loving care she will pull thru with flying colors.


Please do update us on her progress and I look forward to seeing some pics of her.

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Thats the best news we could get.I am sure you will nurse her through the rest of her recovery just fine.Two hours of surgery is a very big risk to a bird.One question, she is to have antibiotic injections for another five days, are you taking her to the vet for them or are you giving them?

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