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Sad, disgusted and angry


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No, I am not wonderful. Many on this forum would have done the same thing. A year ago I would have turned the other way. My gorgeous little sweet girl has put the bird love in my heart and shown me how sensitive and intuitive they are.

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I called the Estill County Shelter today to find out what happened. She said that the police found everything clean. Clean water and food. They told her they had received a complaint and that they would be dropping back in again.


She knew when I was there on Friday that I was upset by the mess. She said several times that she had to clean. I think she anticipated the visit. Or maybe I just really made her feel bad.


Either way the birds have a clean home today. I told the shelter that I would also be having friends drop in also to check up on the conditions. They told me to wait about a month.


Bottom line is they did not catch her but she now knows she is being watched so hopefully the conditions will improve for the birds. Even if they had found it the way I did the results would have been the same. They would have told her to clean it up. I did what I could.


Thank you all for the moral support.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/24 19:520<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/24 19:57

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I have been thinking about making a website about "puppy mills" and unsanitary breeders. Something that as people find breeders that qualify as "puppy mill" or the animals are in very unsanitary conditions, they could go to the website with the breeder/sellers information and record it for others to look at when they are looking for a nice place to buy their next beloved family pet, they could see some places not to go.


My main worry is the legality of it. More so on how not to get a lawsuit for slander brought against the website.


Maybe, if we made it mandatory to have a picture of the accused situation.


The other thing I worry would happen is the big hearted people out there would see the pictures of those places/animals and go and buy them to "rescue" them. And that would be a bad side-effect for the site. I would not want to give those places business for having animals in those conditions. My main point would be either to force the places to fix the issues or force them out of business.


Then I would also want a section of the website devoted to a place where people could post about the breeders/sellers out there that are doing things right and have the best interest of the animal in mind.

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Char wrote:

Bottom line is they did not catch her but she now knows she is being watched so hopefully the conditions will improve for the birds. Even if they had found it the way I did the results would have been the same. They would have told her to clean it up. I did what I could.


You accomplished a great service to those birds, either way.


I would imagine now that lady knows she is being "Watched". Those cages, water and foods will be cleaned and changed much more regulary than before.


The birds win, you win and all the unsuspecting new bird purchasers from her will win.


Great job and Karma to you. :-)

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howdy sallas - re: puppy mill website: it would be very tricky legality-wise to pin the label 'puppy mill' on an establishment, i agree.


i drive rescue runs for the elmbrook humane society there in waukesha. miss carol there works very closely with authorities to help shut down puppy mills. she was involved in a big one which was featured on TMJ4 and might still be on their website.


perhaps your vision and expertise could be utilized to help the programs already in place? there is much to be done and your idea is a good one that could really blossom under the right circumstances.


sorry to hijack this thread, PM me if we should take this discussion offline.


thank you char for your efforts on behalf of the birdies. you had a good outcome and with a little vigilance, you will be helping uncountable little souls just from paying regular visits.

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Amber wrote:

That is disgusting! :ohmy: Sadly, so many breeders (but certainly not all) just don't care about the birds. All they care about is the money! :angry:

Sadly it is true of a lot of them. After my last 2 negative experiences I would never get a bird over the internet.


There is a breeder in Harrodsburg Ky that is really good. His birds are vet checked, tested and immunized by the best avian vet in the state. I am planning on getting an amazon from him. He is located close enought that I could drive down on Sundays and visit the baby until weaned.


He weans to Roudybush but I asked if I provided the pellets would he wean my baby to Harrison's and he will. He said that let him know that I was the kind of person he wants one of his birds to go to.

His aviary is closed but you can see the parents through glass. He is planning on putting in one way glass so as to not disturb the birds as much. I have talked to him several times and he seems to really care about his birds.


Now here is the problem. His Amazons are just not getting that "LOVING FEELIN" right now so I have to be patient.:S

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  • 6 months later...

Char wrote:

DavidH wrote:
There are laws against "cruelty" to animals, but go to a chicken factory farm sometime and see how that works out.


I know what you mean. I was traveling on the interstate one day near Thanksgiving. I saw a truck load of turkeys go by with crates stacked in an OPEN bed truck. They were packed in there like sardines. The temp was about 36 degrees but you can imagine the will chill going down the highway at 75 mph. The poor creatures feathers were nearly all blown off and they must have been freezing.


I know they have to go to slaughter but do they have to suffer on the way there? I tried to catch up with the truck to see a company name so I could call them to "discuss" it but couldn't as my exit came up too quickly.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/22 18:25


That's worse than the time I saw a trailer made of pure diamond plate steel driving around stuffed with a good 30 puppies at least. Oh yeah, and it was like 90 degrees out so there were 30 tongues hanging out of slim slots all over this oven.. I mean trailer. It was a very confined space too. Just enough room to fit the dog and shut the door. The trailer itself was no larger than a small pop up camper. (in its fully compacted and folded state.)


I don't know if anybody has a Pet Land around them but they openly purchase puppy mill puppies and ex employees said it was frequent to have to dispose of dead puppies straight off the truck when they got new shipments in. =( The local store also has a scarlet macaw that was hatched there. His cage is nothing more than a large acrylic box with a grate on the top. I don't recall if he just had a large pyramid type of ground perch in the middle or if there was also a grate to protect the bird from its own droppings. One thing I remember for sure is the poor guy was covered in his own droppings and he's been there for at least 2 and a half years now.

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