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wat do we do in 1st few hours of getin our 13 wk


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hi all just wondering wats the best things to be doing with our 13 wk old CAG when we get her home from the breeders in 3-6 days :woohoo: cant wait its bein the longest 2 weeks ever lol

we have a nice sized cage as i didnt want her feeling like she cant move and a few toys the cage has a top play gym with food and water bowls any suggestions and tips of things to do and not to do would be great thanks all

p.s il upload pics as soon as she lets me take 1 when we have her settled in<br><br>Post edited by: Fisher, at: 2009/02/21 13:02

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Hiya Fisher,


Congratulations on your new baby! I bet you cant wait:)


I have included a link from the Nursery room, this gives some advice on what to do when you bring your new baby home.




Just enjoy your new baby, it may take a little while for them to settle in, remember everything is new to them, surroundings, people new cage etc.

Normally babies accept new things pretty quickly if they have been socialised really well, I didnt really have any problems with mine.


Any questions or help you need just post away!

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my advice would be to let your grey settle down in the cage as this will help it to take in the new suroundings and of course get used to the family just do the normal day to day things and of course interact with your new arrival and dont expect to much to soon take things slowly for a few days and thing should be fine good luck and enjoy the wonderful world of a grey :)

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The others have given good advice and the link Judy provided is a great thread on bringing home baby.


Each Grey is different and thus you just need to go with the flow once you get him/her home. Some will just want to be out and about with their new flock immediately and others will need a little time to become familiar with the new cage, flock and surroundings.


Not long now!! :-)

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Fisher have you been visiting your grey and handling her? If so then you already know each other, they are quite smart. If not then ask the breeder what the normal routine is for your grey. When I got my baby a couple of months ago, my breeder told me she had been handled a few times daily and that I should cuddle her because she was use to being cuddled and would be nervous and needing to get to know her new flock, to feel welcome. So ask your breeder what he/she thinks. They know their babies pretty well and can tell you about each one, at least that is the experience I have had, with my grey's breeder. We still talk. Can't wait to see your pictures!

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Just let your new baby settle in the new home.Have the cage set up before arrival and offer the food it has been fed at the breeders.Let the grey tell you when it is ready for more. Some babies are very social and this should not take too long,be patient.

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hi all thanks your all great and so helpful.

i have only seen RAPPA once at 9 weeks old and we collect her in 4-5 days as she has bein feeding for a while (not formula) so all looks good but the breeder said give or take a few days as its best not to rush if they are not quite ready so itsa waiting game but we all cant wait and know it will be well worth it.

we was wondering wat kind of foods would be best for RAPPA thanks

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