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Talking at 7 months


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Hello all,

Our 7 month old Grey (Tizzy) is saying HELLO very very clear now. As he is only 7 months old am quite surprised. He says hello to everything though i.e. his perch his food his mirror and toys etc. LOL

Is this not quite young to start saying things? He has always picked up various tunes which he whistles more or less within a day of hearing them. Wondered if this is a sign that he is going to be a good talker as he gets older?



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Mine was talking at 6 to 7 months too. By 12 months she said about 15 different phrases. She is now 15 months and I have to say that new things have started to slow down. Her newest thing is "go poop". I have counted about 20 different things that I have heard her say but some things I have only heard her say once.


She has certain things she likes the most and says them all the time. Someone who was only around her for a short time would think she only says 5 things.


I have read of greys talking as early as 4 months.

Congratulations, I am sure you have a good talker on your hands.<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/21 12:55

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When we got Saphira from the breeder she said "uh oh" when she pooped, she still does this, but then at about 5 months old she started saying "Pretty Bird" and wolf whistling, now at 10-11 months she has a vocabulary of about 30 words, and is constantly working on them to get them down perfect. Her wolf whistle is so good now that she could put a construction worker to shame... She know my name, my step-sons name, both cats' names (and moews like the boy cats, "i'm hungry" meow, she has the noise that we use when we call the cats down perfect (the cats are so confused). Our male TAG started with noised a little later than our female did, but he has noticed that when the microwave goes off, people go to the microwave. So now when you start to walk away from him, he does the loudest microwave beep you ever heard (he is not usually a loud bird either, I think he just really loves that noise and wants us to come back to him).

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