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New Found Bathroom Toy!!

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Bandit has discovered the Q-tip. He seems to think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.


Any time I am in the bathroom and he is with me he knows where they are kept and begs for one.


He goes crazy with it. First he chews off the ends then throws it around, chews on it, then throws it around some more.


How would have thought something sooo cheap :) could entertain them. especially with the way they price bird toys!!

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Ah yes!! The Q-TIPS!!! They have been Talon's favorite toys in the bathroom for her entire life! I put some in a tall plastic cup, and she has to pull them out 1 at a time, chews the ends off, and throws them on the floor when she is finished. She will spend hours playing with them if I let her. My bathroom floor is always covered in q-tips! :blink:

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  • 10 months later...



nice idea, I am looking for cheap creative and simple ideas as parrots toys, they are way expensive in the market, lets start a company and sell them home made parrot toys ..... :laugh: :laugh:

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