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All these babies are making me broody!!!


They are beautiful:kiss:


I saw one sat in a pet store yesterday who looked so miserable on his own, I am sure he said buy me when I walked past lol!


My husband was quick enough to get me out of there.


Thanks for all the lovely photos.

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Thanks everyone for the nice comments!



Wow your baby is so much bigger than mine is and has alot more feathers, and its 5 days younger? lol thats weird! Mine has little white fuzz thats why it looks lighter, the feathers are starting to come in. Very cute though thanks for sharing! What are you going to name it? I am still deciding on what to name it, it is a very tough decision lol!



C'mon you know you want another grey, one more won't hurt now will it? lol then you will have 4 and it will be even! hehe jk


Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/16 23:56<br><br>Post edited by: caitb2007, at: 2009/03/16 23:59

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I think Its the Formula that my breeders uses I saw some greys when I was there that where 8 weeks old and already trying to fly. Its made be zupreem and he says that the birds seem to do way better on it then they did when he used to feed the exact formula. any way your right this guy of mine is growing like a bad weed I can see a differenc just in the 2 days that I've had him he's going to be one big bird I think. I'm glad the breeder gave me a couple pounds of the Zupreen formula because I don't know where to get it around here when I get low on his I'm going to have to mix it half and half with the exact so I can transfer him over.

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Hey everyone, I went to visit my baby this weekend and I got to feed it for the first time! It was pretty cool and really easy! S/he is 7 weeks old now. The breeder is sexing him this week so I find out next week if its a girl or boy and then I can finally name it. And hopefully I get to take him home next friday, it depends if it is on 2 feedings by then. I still have not decided on any names yet so suggestions are welcome. Heres a pic and a video of me feeding it.




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I love all the pictures. Your baby is so cute!!! I'm sure everyone will help out with names for your baby and you will find one but you might want to name him or her after it comes home. That way you can see it's personality and give em a name that really fits his character. I bet you are so excited and anxious:)

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What a good job you did feeding your baby I was useing the shringe with my baby but I switch over to the paper cup method I like it better and baby seems to take the formula better that way also. I don't know if you have ever heard of it before but its a really easy way to feed I just use 3 paper cups inside each other and then squeeze the cups into a v shape and the pour the food into baby's mouth its allot like spoon feeding but faster and less messy and the shape of the cup is more like a mama birds beak.

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Hey guys!

So I talked to my breeder today and she said that I can take home my baby tomorrow after work! AHHH the day has finally come and I AM SOOO EXCITED!!:woohoo: I am also getting really nervous now because I am going to be handfeeding it. It is still on 3 feedings a day but soon will be on 2 feedings. I think this is going to be a good experience for me since I am studying to be a veterinarian. My boyfriend and I have been ready for this for soo long and we have just about everything. Cage, toys, swings, food, playstand, harness, vet etc. We both took off some days of work so we can spend time with the baby also. I don't know how I am going to get through work all day tomorrow with all this excitement I have. I guess I will be on here to take my mind off of it. :laugh:

Heres a pic of the cage with the boing:


And here is the playstand with the atom swing:


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Oh I am so happy for you. I bet you are a bundle of nerves now. Happy nerves that is. And Your baby is already spoiled with nice cage and toys and doesn't even know it yet. You are going to be a great parront. Congradulations. I can't wait untill your baby arrives. Good for you:)

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Oh my Thats wonderful news I can't wait til tomorrow so you can tell us all how eveything was coming home and how baby is settleing in I hope you have as much fun with your baby as I am haveing with Shady. Shady willalready lay on his back in my hand without even holding on with his feet. He is such a trusting little thing and so happy curious and playful. My vet said that he's getting big enough to start offering him fruits and veggies. She said he probubly won't eat any yet but he with play with them and pick at them and all that helps with the weaning process. So yesterday I bought a few jars of baby food I'll start putting a little of that out along with his Zupreem pellets. He likes to crunch them up I don't think he really eats them but he chews on them.

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