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Bad news from Cincinnati


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I just joined this forum yesterday but am glad I have people to communicate with who will understand. Last night when we got home from work, Lacey (my eclectus), was huddled at the bottom of her cage and not moving and wouldn't open her eyes. We called the bird shoppe we trust and they recommended a great avian vet about 15 miles from us. He was nice enuf to stay late and let us bring her in.


Long story short, Lacey has a huge egg (vet said the size of a macaw egg!) blocking her system and it must be removed. Vet said he will try without surgery but will surgically remove if he has to. He says its very risky and I am very scared.


Lacey has been a part of our family for 2 years and she is the sweetest, most loving bird I've ever seen. Please keep her in your thoughts today. I'll let you know how everything turns out (as soon as I quit crying!) Thanks for letting me share.


Mary (Scarlett is the name of my grey)

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Mary that's so sad. I am sure though the vet is going to do everything possible to make her feel good and be healthy again. Don't worry. (I know that's easy to say but you really don't have to worry if she's in the hands of a good, trustable vet).

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