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Hi ALL , me again!


We all know that African Greys ARE the best birds in the world - well atleast i think so - anyway i wanted to do this since i'm new to the forum.


Please share with me all the quirky things your grey does - of course they have the coolest personalities and they are always changing so feel free to share your funny grey habits.


My Koko loves to chew on paper - dip it in water and roll it up in a ball hahahah - it's hilarious to watch!

He also whistles perfectly to the Canadian Tire commercial.And he has just learned how to say "HI KOKO" and "Good boy"!!


Thanks everyone - can't wait to hear yours !!


Sarah :)


Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 14:53


Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 14:55<br><br>Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 15:01

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I tell Finnigan to give me a kiss and she puts her beak up against my lips and makes a big smooch sound. It's hysterical and sooo cute. If I cover my eyes and uncover them, she yells Peek A Boo! I know probably all greys do that, but its really cute when its your bird.

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Recently an emergency vehicle was on our block, and for some reason parked nearby with the siren going for a time. Klaus re-enacts that for us quite a bit, but thank goodness not to the point of driving us nuts!

Also, at dinner time his cage door is usually open and if we forget to share a little with him he climbs down the leg of the cage and toddles on over to the table, climbs up my pant leg and then when he get to my lap, he pops his little head up for a look around. He cracks me up!

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Well, this isn't a habit and it had not better turn into one either or I will KILL my son and his family that comes over sometimes while we are not home during the day


My Wife was sitting in a chair watching TV and Dayo was sitting on the back of it.


He was back there playing around and somehow slipped off, flew over to his cage and proceeded.....




Now this is the first time he has said Sh!t. I know he got DAMNIT from me and maybe God. But, He did not get the last word from me.


Needless to say, my Son was called and let known that ALL such language had better stop around Dayo or the locks on the house will be changed and no one allowed when we are not home!!!!


I know he will forget that word over time and no longer hearing, but it just really upsets me that he learned it from listening to conversation from other people....


So, it was funny, that he was embarrassed at himself slipping, then upsetting to me and now what I consider to be a problem.... :dry:

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When I uncover Tyco in the morning instead of her saying goodmorning to me she says WOO very loud. She loves to tell the dogs NO BARKING go lay down. she also presses her beak right against my lips for a kiss and makes a kissy noise. I think my favorite thing tan she does is when she is playing with her stuffed dino it has a string that you pull and it shakes and laughs. well she does the very same thing the toy does when she pulls the string its so funny to watch her vibrate her entire body and laugh at the same time.

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