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Can't handle this ....


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Hi Everyone ,


I know this is probably a previous topic - but i really don't feel like looking for it.I need help with my koko .....HOW on earth do i stop his high pitched SCREAMING ???? I literally have tried everything and nothing is working. Is he too spoiled and just wants CONSTANT attention ???


Also - does anyone have any "keeping cage cleaner" ideas? I use newspaper to cover the bottom tray but he loves it so much and pulls it up to chew on. I can't afford a really big Congo cage right now so he is in a large flight cage on wheels (it's big enough for him). Just wondered if anyone has a different method! Oh yah ...also i worry about koko getting too much newspaper ink in his system - i know he does not eat eat but it still touches his tongue - he loves paper so much !!


Thanks a million everyone !


I didn't realize that I would have my hands full with this guy - it can be very overwhelming at times!


Sarah :)<br><br>Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 22:42

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Sarah, in one word, ignore, you will have to just ignore his screaming for there is no other way. Be sure you are not reinforcing his screaming by reacting to it for he may be doing it because of what you are doing to try to make him stop.


When he starts screaming, turn your back on him and leave him alone for a bit, then when he stops for a bit then go praise him highly or give him a treat.


Some have had success with talking softly to their bird like almost whispering and see if he will lower his scream in response to your lower voice but whenever he is quiet you need to praise him highly.


Do you give him constant attention? If you do then you have created the problem, they do need some attention but should not be getting so much that he hardly spends any time alone except for sleeping. You should have only given him as much attention as you could realistically keep up for the remainder of his life.


I know this will be difficult but I think you can turn him around if you work at it and we do have some threads that deal with this sort of thing.

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thank you judygram - i give him alot of time alone - i am addicted to watching T.V - so he is used to me staring at the glowing box hahhaha - i feel like i give him just enough one on one time. It's so hard to tell just what is enough playtime together.

Can't believe how quiet he is right at this second - i will for sure take ur advice and ignore him ! THANKS AGAIN !! xox

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What is going on at the time he is screaming? Is it really screaming or a begging kind of chirp. The only time Whisper let out a real scream was when we were watching basketball and I think all the rough contact upset her. We immediately removed her from the room.


When I go out to the garage she will start that begging chirping sound but I just keep calling out to her to tell her I will be back. She will stop after a few minutes.


Sometimes when I am cleaning house on Saturdays she will keep begging me to come and pick her up but I just go up and give her a kiss and say "no, I am not going to pick you up right now I am trying to clean house." I will distract her for a while with some food or a toy.


It is really not a problem for me but it could be that you have really spoiled Koko and will have to wean him some.


Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/20 01:41<br><br>Post edited by: Char, at: 2009/02/20 01:42

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I've read that it's not a good idea to let the bird land on your head, and some people don't even like to let them perch on their shoulders. I do let my Dodo (I know, stupid name for a marvelous bird, blame the hubby and kiddos on that one!) on my shoulder, but not my head. Don't want to give her too much control.

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Sarah your bird is still young and you will go through a lot of stages of him trying new things to see if they work. Screaming is just one of them that some birds use. Our female who is just over one now tried the screaming as well.


Judy is totally right ignore, ignore, ignore and then as soon as you hear him make a nice noise immediately praise him and give him attention. It will take a few months which it did for us, but finally she stopped screaming and found other more pleasant ways to get what she wants.

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Judygram is right, IGNORE his screaming. It may be painful to your ears for a while, but he is a youngster, and if they want more attention than they are getting then they will take negative attention. If it becomes too bad you can cover his cage when he screams, then take off the cover when he stops.

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