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Hes HOME!!!!!


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I was enamored the moment I saw him. I am in parrot love! He is SO well behaved, potty trained, tells me he needs to "poo" and just basically shocks me every day!! He talks and talks and talks. I dont understand everything he says, because I am always so surprised that this alien voice has invaded my home! I work 4 hours a day, and am always so anxious to get home and sit with him. I will add more photos when I figure out how to shrink their size.

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I will figure it out! It so amazing, because I was fully prepared to just let him sit and observe our family, get used to noises and voices, etc......NOPE....he surprised us!! He steps up right out of his cage to anyone in the family, already learned my Quakers name "Roxy" , they laugh back and forth....my cat walk in and he says "meow" and the phone rings and he says "hello".....no warming up period here!! He has his little "can" that he sits on to potty, he does not like to go in his cage. I got nutty last night and hung a large boing from the ceiling that he sits on all day. Im gonna figure out the resizing thing now......;)

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Its amazing that he is potty trained!! I was quite shocked at, well, the size of his droppings, much larger than my quaker!! I got that boing from Fosters and Smith. It was quite a bit cheaper than the other stores/catalogs I buy from. You can just keep adding all kinds of stuff to it. He sits way on the top all day, watching over everyone in the house. You should see Roxys cage, its ridiculous...Ill try to ad photo...

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