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Tyco's a very naughty girl


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Tyco hasn't tried to bite me for a very long time. This morning I was giveing her her breakfast like I useually do and for absolutly no reason that I could see she crabbed hold of my baby finger and ripped my cuticul around the nail boy did that hurt and it bled for at least an hour. to say the least I told her she was a very bad bird and no bite. Ilocked her back in her cage and said see if you like being in there for awhile. I don't think it even phased her she just went on playing with her toys like so what mom you think I can't have fun even though I'm in my cage I'll show you. She is such a little brat sometimes even when she's being disaplined she shows no remorse at all. Whew birds ya just got ta luv em

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I feel for you Pat but she may have had a perfectly good reason and one you may never know for I think they have their times just like we do that they don't want to be messed with and we just have to take it in stride.


Who knows what really goes on in their little walnut sized brain but in any case do not hold it against her, she was just having a bad "hair" day.

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Judy If I ever held getting bit against my bird I would have given them all up long ago. I've been bit by the best of them and still love them to death. You can't be a bird lover without being able to take a good bite every now and then. I couldn't imagine my life without that little bundle of Grey feathers she makes me smile everyday. I think she bit me because I wasn't getting her food in her dish fast enough for her. mabie she was hungry

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Ouch Pat, I wonder what Tyco saw you do that she felt you needed to be reprimanded for???? :ohmy: You know I'm just teasing, Pat!!! :evil: I truly hope your pinky is much better and you can forgive Tyco's indiscretion. I just love your signature, all those beautiful and so confident birds!!!

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Ouch Pat!!!!!! Wow! You know recently Bella started saying "No! Go! sssshtttt!" when ever she finds something offensive happening around her. That's given me a good deal of insight into some of the things she gets startled by, and it's really not something I would have known about if she wouldn't say something. For example, she was on my shoulder while I was picking up around the house. I picked up one fo the dog toys and Bella jumped and said "No, no no! Go!" The toy was in my left hand, and she was sitting on my right shoulder - I would never have guessed it was bothering her! I thought about his for a while and realized they are prey animals and are even in a domestic situation constantly alert to everything happening around them. Things neither we nor maybe other animals in the house would notice!


Hope your pinky gets better!!!!

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Thats for sure Terri, my birds react to anything they see fly thru the sky from the big windows in the family room, especially the sun conure, she will take flight to escape the perceived threat and Josey follows along.


Pat put some aloe gel on that finger, cuticle wounds are prone to be very sore.

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