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Acai Juice


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For the past 3 months, I have been drinking MonaVie Juice. It is a blend of Acai Berry Juice, and 19 other anti-oxidants. Below is the list of juices in it.


Açai (freeze-dried powder) Puree, White Grape, Nashi Pear, Acerola, Pear, Aronia, Purple Grape, Cranberry, Passionfruit, Banana, Apricot, Prune, Kiwi, Blueberry, Bilberry, Camu Camu, Wolfberry, Pomegranate, Lychee Fruit. Also, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Sodium Benzoate.

*there are no preservatives, no fillers, no artificial ingredients, no sugars added. All natural juices.


For those of you that don't know, I have a timneh and a congo, both about the same age. Talon, my tag, LOVES the juice, and can't get enough of it! She drinks like its the best thing she has ever had. I give her some morning and night. Rikki, my cag, took a couple sips, and decided she doesn't care for it.


Has anyone here ever tried it? It is very healthy, and I have seen an incredible change in my health.

Just thought I'd share this with you. It seems like it is very healthy for my greys as well. :cheer:

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Judy, you can only buy it online from Brig Hart. I have become a distributor to get it cheaper. It is $45 a bottle, and one bottle lasts about a week. Becoming a distributor allows you to buy it at $29 a bottle. It's free to become a distributor for the month of Feb., but after that it is $39.


I have found that I feel much better overall. I sleep better. I have an even keel of energy throughout the entire day. No high and lows like with caffeine or sugar. I used to wake up achy in the am. But those aches have gone away. It cleanses your digestive track in your body by detoxifying your system. I just feel great all the time. :woohoo:

I have friends who have taken it, and had incredible health benefits. It has been shown to ward off the bad cells that can cause cancer, but I take it because it makes me feel good, and if it will keep me healthy, then why not? I also am not a good eater, I don't get anywhere near the recommended fruits that you should, this way I'm covered! I know it's expensive, but I consider it to be an investment in my health.


And Talon goes nuts for it!! She loves the flavor of it!

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Dan, it took me about 2 1/2 weeks before I noticed anything. I actually forgot about it, and then one day it hit me. I had been feeling great! So for me it helps, but the reason I posted here was not to get people to buy it, just sharing how yummy Talon finds it! B)

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