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Vet visit,,,,,,,Shadow is in perfect health


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Hello All,

I took Shadow to the vet today to get "her" initial vet check. My vet fell in love with "her". All is well and "she" is in perfect health. The vet recommended I wait a while to have her sexed due to there not being a real reason to do it, other then curiosity. My vet also thinks Shadow is a girl. So, for now Shadow will be referred to as "she".

My vet also advised that 90% of her diet be pellets. She recommends Harrison's.


Oh yeah, the cost of the check up and fecal analysis was ZERO dollars. VCA has a internet coupon for all first time clients. Way cool......



P.S. Any comments on the use of bottlebrush tree branches for perches and play gyms? I have a nursery that has bottlebrush trees. Could I use these trees to make her a play gym? Is there anything I need to do to the branches if I can use them? Is it ok to use fresh branches?

So much to learn and so little time.......ahhhhhh

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Thats great news that Shadow is a healthy bird and she must be something else as now your vet is "in love" with her too, she is a heart stealer.


My vet recommends the pellets be 60 to 70% of their diet, I am surprised that your vet recommends 90%, thats a lot but then who am I to argue with your vet.


Wow the vet visit was free, you dang skippy that is way cool.


I think we had some other threads that discussed the use of bottlebrush branches for play gyms and such, you would have to bake them in the oven at 350 for at least half an hour to get rid of any bugs and such that are present and make sure they were never treated with pesticides.

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Great news on the wellness check and at a GreYt price.:-)


As Judy said, 90% is a high percentage for pellets. Just feed your Grey many other additional healthy foods as well like veggies, small amount of fruits, grains and nuts to ensure a well rounded diet.

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Thats great news Doesn't make you feel good when your baby is healthy and happy? I know when I take my baby's in for there yearly I always worry until the vet says they are in good health. I feed my birds pellets also but I give them a variaty of fresh and cooked fruits and vegetables,nuts, egg, little lean meat(chicken,beef) and a quality seed mix I think that its a much better diet than just pellets. I always leave a bowl of pellets in they're cages at all times. I find that my birds eat thet're pellets when they are in their cages for the night. Pellets and water are the only food that is left in they're cage at that time. So if they wake up hungry and want a snack they have to eat theyre pellets. Tyco loves her pellet and eats them all the time. My other birds will only eat them if there is nothing else but they all do eat them.

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Fred is free fed Zupreem pellets (she only likes the fruity ones, such a child!) and a very good seed mix but every morning for breakfast she gets a big bowl of tons of veggies, pasta, lean meat, egg and various legumes and she about falls all over herself getting to the bowl when I put it in. I let her figure out the ratio she prefers and she's doing great. She eats pretty much all that's in her breakfast bowl, I'll see her hit up the pellets and seed in the afternoon and pellets again in the evening.

I think as long as you see them eating a good mix of things and getting a good variety of food they're going to do very well.

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