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Advise on Seperating my Grey


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I have a 2 year old African (male) and a 1 year old Blue & Gold Macaw (female). Alex and Porsha have been together since she was a baby and they have an incredible bond, they share food, tantrums and just about everything in fact every night she puts her wing around him and cries (or yells) if he is out of her sight for long. My dilemma is that we will be forced to move in a few months as we are nearing a foreclosure and will have to move back to our townhouse. It's breaking my heart to give them up and my fear is that if I re-home them together someone will end up splitting them up, and I know that Grey's are very sensitive to change. My Grey (Alex), is also very attached to me and I don't know if it would be better to try and separate them now (or try and wean them apart) and see if they will be ok by themselves, or if I should try and find them a forever home together?


I don't know what the right thing to do is. Our townhouse has many Home Owners Association restrictions, and Porsha is very loud which is why I can't keep her, but I would be able to keep my Grey.


The bottom line is what will be the least stressful for them? Does anyone have any experience with this kind of issue or advise?


Thank you.

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Oh my Donna, you are in a dilemma and I don't have any answers for you either as I have never dealt with this issue before.


That is amazing in one way that the two birds get along so well, wow, who would have thought a grey and a macaw having such a tight bond. I know you hate to give them up but I understand the tough times we are in and you have no choice.


I would tend to say to try to separate them now so they can start to get used to being apart from each other if that is what is going to happen to them anyways for I would like for you to be able to keep the grey if at all possible.


Some of the other members who have had more experience with this sort of problem will have some ideas and suggestions for you but none of them will be easy for you I am afraid. This is a difficult situation for sure.

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That is a very tough ordeal to be going through. It's wonderful to hear your concern for your beloved avian friends while under going such huge amounts of stress in this situation.


It's going to be hard on them both and anything you can do to start getting them used to being housed in separate cages now will make it easy on them and the new owner of your Macaw later.


I wish you well and hope the best for you all.

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If you're looking into re-homing your birds, I always see adds in the papers, and on kijiji from "old veterans looking for feathered friends to take in and give a great home"


Maybe you could call some of these old veterans up and interview them. Ask them their plans for down the rode, who would take them if they were to pass away or couldn't keep the birds any longer?

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