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From the moment I posted my first question on here everyone has been so nice and helpful. This is how I got here...I fell in love with a baby grey at a petshop. Before long I should be able to get him out of there. I dont feel that he is getting the proper care at all. His wings were clipped way to early. And I still havent figured out why he has no tail feathers. They said he plucked some when his sibling was sold but has pretty much stopped. I just cant wait to bring him home and get him out of there. His new name is Simba. He will be my first Grey. I am exited but yet so so nervous.

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Hello Kljohnso and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and this new grey.


When you join you are part of our grey family here and you will be treated as such, you are no longer a stranger on the internet as we all have a common bond here.


He may have been plucking because of the loss of his sibling or it may be inattention also, there are many reasons for plucking and I would have him checked out by an avian vet as soon as you can after bringing him home to rule out any physical reasons and to make sure he is healthy.


Clipping the wings too early has devasting effects on greys as we have observed here many times, they should be allowed to fully fledge and learn to fly before any wings are clipped if at all. You will find a lot of us leave our greys fully feathered and they fly throughout the house at will.


Since this is your first grey be sure to read thru the many threads here for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you get a chance and especially after you bring Simba home get us some pictures so we can see him, even if he is missing some of his feathers we can see his true beauty.

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Welcome kljohnso!!


It's wonderful that you are going to get that Grey out of that environment. He definitely has done some plucking to include his Tail Feathers as you described.


There is no set time period for them and other feathers to grow back. The first thing that needs to take place is getting him to a loving and caring home that he feels safe and loved in.


Then Aloe Juice mistings at least 2x a week and a good diet. Hopefully the good home and care will stop the plucking and then the regrowth process can begin.


Looking for ward to hearing more updates from you. :-)

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