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Why don't I ever see my grey drink water?


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I don't see my grey drink a lot either but I am sure she is drinking some water, they don't need a lot as they get some of what they need from the veggies and fruits they eat, she is doing it while you are not looking. As long as she looks fine I wouldn't worry about it.

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I never see my grey drinking either, but I do find bits of pellet or other food in her water bowl. So I know she is drinking, or at least washing her food or beak in her fresh water. ;) I don't worry about it with all the other fresh foods she eats.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2009/02/18 22:21

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I do not see mine drink very often either (except when she is demanding some of my juice.


I use a water bottle for them and I can visually see the difference in the amount in the bottle. The bottle does not leak, so the only way the level would go down is if they are letting water out of the bottle. (Which my male sun conure will do for fun. He waits until the female is doing something under the water bottle, then stick either his beak or toe in the ball the seals the bottle to let water spray out and give the female a nice bath. Then you can here her squawk at him and him laugh!!!)<br><br>Post edited by: Sallas, at: 2009/02/18 22:17

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When i got Alfie at 14 weeks old i used to think the same so i would pick him up and dip his beak in his drinking bowl everyday for a week on a morning then i had his water and food bowls in the room so i could see him eat & drink & sure enough there he was eating & drinking :)

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I watched Fred this morning with her breakfast and lots of things she put in her mouth and then squished and drank the juice. She also has a water bottle, I like that a lot as the water is always clean and I can monitor her daily usage via the level. Afetr she started drinking from the bottle I left a dish of water in there anyway and she just wasn't interested in it so I ended up taking it out.

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As I have written here before, I discovered that Misty has a taste for hot water after he kept trying to steal my hot coffee Now he starts the day demanding "water" first thing in the morning. He gets quite cross if I dare to offer him cold water. I give it to him in a glass tumbler and he gulps it down. Although he always has water available on his stand during the day he prefers to come pester me for water in his glass. He does not always drink it, he likes to rattle his beak around the rim or dink the side of the glass. He does pass the water out. He has a good and varied diet and is in very good health (TW).


A little known "fact". At one time traders importing African Greys from Africa had the tragically erroneous belief that they drank no water so they were forced to endure many tortuous days at sea with the inevitable suffering.


Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2009/02/19 23:38

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